Researchers from Technische Universität Berlin, UFSCar and EESC-USP hold an event on Industry 4.0.

On September 4, the international research project team Development of ‘Learnstruments’ for ensuring the transition of Brazilian and German manufacturing companies to Industry 4.0 linked to the Brazilian-German Collaborative Research Initiative on Manufacturing Technology (BRAGECRIM) program (CAPES / DFG) held a Meetup at the ONOVOLAB space in São Carlos on the theme of Industry 4.0.

On the occasion of this event, TU Berlin researchers Dipl.-Ing Bernd Muschard and M. Sc. Wolf Schliephack, who were on a work mission in Brazil, presented the German developments related to the project. Prof. Dr. Henrique Rozenfeld and Prof. Dr. Mateus Gerolamo together with Prof. Dr. Daniel Braatz (DEP-UFSCar) and researchers Omar Cheidde (PPGEP-EESC) and Esdras Paravizo (EP-UFSCar) presented the results initially obtained by the project, including the development of the Boardgame I4.0 and the virtual game for Industry 4.0.

In addition to the presentations, the event featured a discussion session on the theme with the attendees, promoting greater interaction between the team and the community. The event was attended by about 80 people, including students, professors from USP and UFSCar, professionals and the members of the community, held mostly in English. In October another event is being organized by the Bragecrim project team to hold the inaugural session of Boardgame Indústria 4.0 developed in the project. To learn more about the game see the release video here or contact the team via email

Testimonials:”Meetup Indústria 4.0 was a proof that the academy should be closer and closer to other city stakeholders. The content’s format plus the moments of connections made it possible for the event to be enjoyed by students, researchers, startups and large companies at the same time!” (Yukio Shibata, Head of ONOVOLAB Ecosystems).

“The event at Onovolab was fantastic in that it allowed us to present partial results from an internationally collaborative research project on such an important topic as Industry 4.0; specifically, in my case, I was very pleased with people’s interest in applying gamification and game design techniques to build learning tools and assist in the development of manager and leader competencies” (Prof. Daniel Braatz, DEP Production Engineering -UFSCar).

“The digital transformation is especially for small and medium size companies (SME) a big challenge because of their limited resources and the complexity of the topic. The BRAGECRIM Research Team “Learnstruments” uses a playful approach to raise awareness of the necessity of the topic. Locations like ONOVOLAB offers a great opportunity to bring different groups together and promote a constructive exchange” (M.Sc. Wolf Schliephack, IWF TU Berlin).

“Through playful activities and provoking the inherent competitiveness in us to win, a game can mediate various knowledge. This is the beginning of the game developed in a joint project between Brazil and Germany, which involves USP, UFSCar and TU Berlin. After several validation experiments, the industry 4.0 game is mature. It will enable leaders in the journey to digitize manufacturing companies to be empowered” (Prof. Henrique Rozenfeld, EESC-USP / Project Coordinator).

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