Experimental characterization and computational modelling of the effect of in vitro corrosion on the mechanical integrity of biodegradable magnesium alloy WE43 for orthopedic applications.

Programa: Engenharia Mecânica
Nível: Mestrado

Título: Experimental characterization and computational modelling of the effect of in vitro corrosion on the mechanical integrity of biodegradable magnesium alloy WE43 for orthopedic applications.

Aluno: Felipe Saconi

Orientador: Marcelo Leite Ribeiro
Banca: Prof Doutor Marcelo Leite Ribeiro (EESC/USP)
Doutor Eduardo Henrique Backes (DEMA – UFSCar)
Prof. Dr. Armando Italo Sette Antonialli (DEM – UFSCar)

Data: 09/06/2021
Hora: 09:00
Local: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica (videoconferência) https://meet.google.com/izr-xahj-ycu