Contribution to the design of femoral stems with functional material gradient manufactured by additive manufacturing to reduce the effects of stress shielding

Programa: Engenharia Mecânica
Nível: Doutorado

Título: Contribution to the design of femoral stems with functional material gradient manufactured by additive manufacturing to reduce the effects of stress shielding

Aluno: Alexandre Zanni Hubinger

Orientador: Jonas de Carvalho
Banca: Prof. Titular Jonas de Carvalho (SEM – EESC – USP)
Prof. Assoc. Carlos Alberto Fortulan (SEM – EESC – USP)
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Márcio Hakme da Silva (UB – Câmpus Itaquera)
Prof. Dr. Sidney Bruce Shiki (DEMec – UFSCar)
Prof. Titular Antonio Carlos Guastaldi (IQ – UNESP)

Data: 29/03/2023
Hora: 14:00
Local: Anfiteatro Prof. Doutor Hélio Aparecido Navarro – SEM – EESC – USP