Study of the effect of the variation of laser power energy in direct additive manufacturing in alumina and electrofused mullite

Programa: Engenharia Mecânica
Nível: Mestrado

Título: Study of the effect of the variation of laser power energy in direct additive manufacturing in alumina and electrofused mullite

Aluno: Thiago Calabreze de Azevedo

Orientador: Carlos Alberto Fortulan
Banca: Prof. Associado Carlos Alberto Fortulan (SEM – EESC – USP)
Prof. Dr. Luís Antônio Oliveira Araújo (DEM – UFSCar)
Prof. Dr. Luiz Eduardo de Angelo Sanchez (FEB – UNESP)

Data: 07/03/2023
Hora: 14:30
Local: Anfiteatro Prof. Doutor Hélio Aparecido Navarro – SEM – EESC – USP –