Analysis of motorcyclists’ behavior in urban areas: the relationship between riding and driver profile

Programa: Engenharia de Transportes
Nível: Doutorado

Título: Analysis of motorcyclists’ behavior in urban areas: the relationship between riding and driver profile

Aluno: Elaine Rodrigues Ribeiro

Orientador: André Luiz Barbosa Nunes da Cunha
Banca: Prof Doutor André Luiz Barbosa Nunes da Cunha (STT/EESC-USP)
Prof. Dr. Flavio Guilherme Vaz de Almeida Filho (EP/USP)
Prof. Dr. Flávio José Craveiro Cunto (UFC)

Data: 09/02/2024
Hora: 09:00
Local: Sala de videoconferência STT