Analysis of the Socioeconomic Impact of the Highway Rehabilitation Phase of the Second Stage of Federal Concessions.

Programa: Engenharia de Transportes
Nível: Doutorado

Título: Analysis of the Socioeconomic Impact of the Highway Rehabilitation Phase of the Second Stage of Federal Concessions.

Aluno: Rosuel Krum Mathias de Assis

Orientador: Jose Leomar Fernandes Junior
Banca: Prof. Titular José Leomar Fernandes Junior (EESC-USP)
Prof. Dr. Ernesto Ferreira Nobre Junior (UFC)
Profa. Dra. Luciana de Figueiredo Lopes Lucena (UFRN)
Prof. Dr. Francisco Heber Lacerda de Oliveira (UFC)
Profa. Associada Ana Paula Camargo Larocca (EESC-USP)

Data: 07/05/2024
Hora: 14:00
Local: Sala de Videoconferência do STT