Assessment of the influence of Saint-Venant Principle on longitudinal modulus of elasticity estimation, through compression test parallel to grain, ABNT NBR 7190-3: 2022

Programa: Engenharia Civil (Engenharia de Estruturas)
Nível: Mestrado

Título: Assessment of the influence of Saint-Venant Principle on longitudinal modulus of elasticity estimation, through compression test parallel to grain, ABNT NBR 7190-3: 2022

Aluno: Wang Yu Wei

Orientador: Francisco Antonio Rocco Lahr
Banca: Prof. Dr. Luiz Antonio Melgaço Nunes Branco (UFMG/Belo Horizonte)
Prof. Dr. Diego Henrique de Almeida (UNIR/Porto Velho)
Prof Associado Julio Cesar Molina (SET – EESC -USP)

Data: 14/08/2024
Hora: 10:00
Local: Auditório do SET