Asignaturas agrupadas por áreas de concentración:
Processing of Instrumentation Signals
Nombre de la Disciplina | Metas: | Profesor: | Créditos: | Carga de trabajo total: |
Application of Electromagnetics on Medical Devices - SEL5764 | This course is offered in the scope of program PRINT-CAPES/USP, promoted by CAPES. The working of the course is based on a set of tutorials, courses, sessions and lectures. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
2 | 30h |
Applications of Advanced Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems - SEL5912 | The general objective of this course is for the postgraduate students who had taken the course on Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems, is to develop an interest in deepening their knowledge and implementation of new applications, namely: advanced instrumentation for neurosciences (DBS), optogenetics, piezoelectric sensor technology, biomechanics of body posture and movements, advanced microcontroller-based instrumentation, design of smart power supplies for data acquisition systems, and advanced communication protocols in wireless medical devices. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Machine Learning - SEL5742 | Analysis of the main existing machine learning paradigms, techniques and algorithms for automatic acquisition of knowledge observations, with the aim of solving engineering problems and applied sciences. Several applications that illustrate the use of machine learning in problems involving feature extraction, system identification, pattern recognition and knowledge-based systems will be covered. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
12 | 180h |
Quality Evaluation of Medical Images - SEL5708 | To show why and how the investigation of the quality of medical images should be made, allowing the student to know concepts associated with the evaluation techniques, as well as to acquire the ability to recognize the problems of medical imaging systems through the proper analysis of those images. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Reconfigurable Devices and Hardware Description Language - SEL5752 | To introduce the concepts of reconfigurable devices and the use of hardware description language VHDL (Very high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language), allowing postgraduates, regardless of their program area choice, to acquire basic knowledge in the use of this technology in the development of projects in reconfigurable hardware. Also, present computational tools related to the use of this hardware description language in the development of electrical engineering projects in reconfigurable devices. | Prof. Dr. Maximiliam Luppe ( Lattes +55 16 33 739349 |
12 | 180h |
Radiation Basics for Ocular Bioengineering - SEL5775 | We present concepts of ocular bioengineering, focused on the effects of radiation in the ocular media, as well as in sunglasses. In addition, it should provide the student fundamental concepts in photometry of solar radiation, especially in the ultraviolet range. Regarding the growing Brazilian market in terms of sunglasses analysis and its standardization, this course offers students the understanding of the involved radiation and instrumentation measurements of this sector, which started within LIO-EESC - USP and is growing in the market due to laws created for the certified sunglasses sector in Brazil. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Physical Foundations of Medical Imaging - SEL5705 | Providing basic knowledge about physical principles associated with medical imaging in order to provide the student the ability of understanding techniques and systems related to these images acquisition. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Introduction to Ophthalmic Instrumentation - SEL5751 | To present an introduction to Ophthalmological concepts, more specifically, to the human eye the point of view of Ophthalmology technology developers and to show the principles of optical, mechanical, electrical and image processing of most ophthalmological equipment currently used by professionals. Introduction to solar radiation and its eye interaction, as well as the use of solar lenses. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Introduction to Digital Image Processing - SEL5895 | Provide the graduate student with the basic concepts of digital image processing and its most important applications. | Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
12 | 180h |
Radiofrequency microdevices - SEL5730 | Design the components of a radio-frequency (RF) transmitter and receiver at the scale of the microdevice . | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Bibliographical Research - SEL5722 | • Present the basic methodological scientific instruments; • Demonstrate Scientific Methodology as technical writing; • Prove the importance of observing logical methodology for accessing and applying existing knowledge and, through its use, proving the originality of their academic contribution and avoiding unnecessary duplication or repetition; • Offer methodological subsidies for the best level of quality of the academic document, resulting masters or doctoral works; • Allow greater ability to access different types and categories of documents and essential information for postgraduate research; • Train in mastery and skill in writing academic work of “reading and/or bibliography review” and “state-of-the-art” reports. | Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Profª. Drª. Elenise Maria de Araujo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738186 Prof. Dr. Leonardo André Ambrosio ( Lattes +55 16 33 738137 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
6 | 90h |
Design of CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits - SEL5909 | To deepen the knowledge on MOSFET transistors, manufacturing and modeling, MOS analog circuits, design techniques and simulations, enabling the student, regardless of their specific field within the postgraduate program, to analyze and develop analog integrated circuits. | Prof. Dr. Joao Navarro Soares Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739325 |
12 | 180h |
Projects in Ophthalmic Instrumentation and Solar Glasses - SEL5758 | Present new ocular bioengineering projects that prioritize Brazilian needs. Carry out small projects on techniques, programs, or ophthalmological systems or for sunglasses at the postgraduate level. The projects involve knowledge of electronics and/or programming. The purpose of the course is to enable students to apply their knowledge in this area so that the projects can be implemented primarily at the School of Engineering of São Carlos, thereby stimulating students to witness immediate results of their acquired knowledge applied to the field of ocular bioengineering. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Sistema de Formação de Imagens - SEL5709 | Auxiliar na capacitação dos engenheiros que pretendem desenvolver, melhorar ou dar manutenção a instrumentos de aquisição de imagens. Fornecer, aos pesquisadores que realizam processamento de imagens, o conhecimento dos aparelhos que as produzem. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems - SEL5769 | The general objective is for postgraduate students, regardless of their chosen area in the program, to acquire basic knowledge of medical instrumentation regarding biomedical sensors, amplifiers, active filters, data converters, biosignal processing, electrodes for biopotential acquisition, amplifiers for biopotentials, as well as interference quantification and reduction. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Digital Medical Imaging Systems - SEL5750 | Presentation of modern technologies of medical images acquisition, involving digitization processes (indirect and direct) of the signal in order to the student interested in the development, operation and evaluation of digital medical imaging equipment in its various modalities | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Microsystems Technology for Microsensors and Microactuators - SEL5729 | Objetivos gerais: - Compreender os materiais e as técnicas básicas de microfabricação e da microeletrónica para fabrico de microssistemas, mais especificamente microssensores e microatuadores. - Compreender os princípios de funcionamento de sensores e atuadores de diversos tipos; classificar, saber identificar, caracterizar e desenvolver microsensores e microatuadores. Objetivos específicos consistindo nos resultados da aprendizagem constituem per-si um conjunto de objetivos, nomeadamente: - Conhecer as propriedades elétricas, eletrónicas, mecânicas e ópticas dos materiais utilizados em microdispositivos. - Conhecer e saber aplicar as técnicas de fabrico de microdispositivos. - Compreender o modo de funcionamento, incluindo os princípios de transdução usados, dos principais microssensores disponíveis comercialmente (ópticos, acelerómetros, giroscópios, sensores de pressão e sensores de fluxo) e suas principais aplicações. - Saber quais os principais mecanismos existentes na microatuação (microatuadores térmicos, magnéticos, electrostáticos e piezoelétricos), o seu modo de funcionamento e as principais vantagens e desvantagens de cada um. Reconhecer aplicações que usam microatuadores e a sua importância. - Compreender como as microtenologias de fabrico influenciam a concepção de microssensores e microatuadores e as características dos mesmos. - Aprender como modelar microssensores e microatuadores envolvendo mais do que um domínio físico usando técnicas de lumped modelling. Saber modelar microestruturas no domínio mecânico, térmico e electrostático bem como o acoplamento entre os vários domínios. - Saber modelar e conceber um microssensor/microatuador mecânico usando processos de micro-usinagem superficial ou volúmica incluindo o layout do dispositivo. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Advanced Topics in Signal Processing and Instrumentation - SEL5726 | To enhance and improve the students knowledge in the field of Signal Processing and Instrumentation, with advanced information and expertise, particularly in the area of acquisition, generation, and processing of nuclear magnetic resonance images with applications in the medical field. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 |
4 | 60h |
Computer Vision - SEL5886 | Provide the graduate student with the basic concepts of computer vision and its most important applications. | Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 |
12 | 180h |
Dynamic Systems
Nombre de la Disciplina | Metas: | Profesor: | Créditos: | Carga de trabajo total: |
Application of Electromagnetics on Medical Devices - SEL5764 | This course is offered in the scope of program PRINT-CAPES/USP, promoted by CAPES. The working of the course is based on a set of tutorials, courses, sessions and lectures. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
2 | 30h |
Applications of Advanced Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems - SEL5912 | The general objective of this course is for the postgraduate students who had taken the course on Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems, is to develop an interest in deepening their knowledge and implementation of new applications, namely: advanced instrumentation for neurosciences (DBS), optogenetics, piezoelectric sensor technology, biomechanics of body posture and movements, advanced microcontroller-based instrumentation, design of smart power supplies for data acquisition systems, and advanced communication protocols in wireless medical devices. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Machine Learning - SEL5742 | Analysis of the main existing machine learning paradigms, techniques and algorithms for automatic acquisition of knowledge observations, with the aim of solving engineering problems and applied sciences. Several applications that illustrate the use of machine learning in problems involving feature extraction, system identification, pattern recognition and knowledge-based systems will be covered. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
12 | 180h |
Quality Evaluation of Medical Images - SEL5708 | To show why and how the investigation of the quality of medical images should be made, allowing the student to know concepts associated with the evaluation techniques, as well as to acquire the ability to recognize the problems of medical imaging systems through the proper analysis of those images. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Reconfigurable Devices and Hardware Description Language - SEL5752 | To introduce the concepts of reconfigurable devices and the use of hardware description language VHDL (Very high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language), allowing postgraduates, regardless of their program area choice, to acquire basic knowledge in the use of this technology in the development of projects in reconfigurable hardware. Also, present computational tools related to the use of this hardware description language in the development of electrical engineering projects in reconfigurable devices. | Prof. Dr. Maximiliam Luppe ( Lattes +55 16 33 739349 |
12 | 180h |
Radiation Basics for Ocular Bioengineering - SEL5775 | We present concepts of ocular bioengineering, focused on the effects of radiation in the ocular media, as well as in sunglasses. In addition, it should provide the student fundamental concepts in photometry of solar radiation, especially in the ultraviolet range. Regarding the growing Brazilian market in terms of sunglasses analysis and its standardization, this course offers students the understanding of the involved radiation and instrumentation measurements of this sector, which started within LIO-EESC - USP and is growing in the market due to laws created for the certified sunglasses sector in Brazil. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Physical Foundations of Medical Imaging - SEL5705 | Providing basic knowledge about physical principles associated with medical imaging in order to provide the student the ability of understanding techniques and systems related to these images acquisition. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Introduction to Ophthalmic Instrumentation - SEL5751 | To present an introduction to Ophthalmological concepts, more specifically, to the human eye the point of view of Ophthalmology technology developers and to show the principles of optical, mechanical, electrical and image processing of most ophthalmological equipment currently used by professionals. Introduction to solar radiation and its eye interaction, as well as the use of solar lenses. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Introduction to Digital Image Processing - SEL5895 | Provide the graduate student with the basic concepts of digital image processing and its most important applications. | Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
12 | 180h |
Radiofrequency microdevices - SEL5730 | Design the components of a radio-frequency (RF) transmitter and receiver at the scale of the microdevice . | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Bibliographical Research - SEL5722 | • Present the basic methodological scientific instruments; • Demonstrate Scientific Methodology as technical writing; • Prove the importance of observing logical methodology for accessing and applying existing knowledge and, through its use, proving the originality of their academic contribution and avoiding unnecessary duplication or repetition; • Offer methodological subsidies for the best level of quality of the academic document, resulting masters or doctoral works; • Allow greater ability to access different types and categories of documents and essential information for postgraduate research; • Train in mastery and skill in writing academic work of “reading and/or bibliography review” and “state-of-the-art” reports. | Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Profª. Drª. Elenise Maria de Araujo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738186 Prof. Dr. Leonardo André Ambrosio ( Lattes +55 16 33 738137 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
6 | 90h |
Design of CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits - SEL5909 | To deepen the knowledge on MOSFET transistors, manufacturing and modeling, MOS analog circuits, design techniques and simulations, enabling the student, regardless of their specific field within the postgraduate program, to analyze and develop analog integrated circuits. | Prof. Dr. Joao Navarro Soares Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739325 |
12 | 180h |
Projects in Ophthalmic Instrumentation and Solar Glasses - SEL5758 | Present new ocular bioengineering projects that prioritize Brazilian needs. Carry out small projects on techniques, programs, or ophthalmological systems or for sunglasses at the postgraduate level. The projects involve knowledge of electronics and/or programming. The purpose of the course is to enable students to apply their knowledge in this area so that the projects can be implemented primarily at the School of Engineering of São Carlos, thereby stimulating students to witness immediate results of their acquired knowledge applied to the field of ocular bioengineering. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Sistema de Formação de Imagens - SEL5709 | Auxiliar na capacitação dos engenheiros que pretendem desenvolver, melhorar ou dar manutenção a instrumentos de aquisição de imagens. Fornecer, aos pesquisadores que realizam processamento de imagens, o conhecimento dos aparelhos que as produzem. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems - SEL5769 | The general objective is for postgraduate students, regardless of their chosen area in the program, to acquire basic knowledge of medical instrumentation regarding biomedical sensors, amplifiers, active filters, data converters, biosignal processing, electrodes for biopotential acquisition, amplifiers for biopotentials, as well as interference quantification and reduction. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Digital Medical Imaging Systems - SEL5750 | Presentation of modern technologies of medical images acquisition, involving digitization processes (indirect and direct) of the signal in order to the student interested in the development, operation and evaluation of digital medical imaging equipment in its various modalities | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Microsystems Technology for Microsensors and Microactuators - SEL5729 | Objetivos gerais: - Compreender os materiais e as técnicas básicas de microfabricação e da microeletrónica para fabrico de microssistemas, mais especificamente microssensores e microatuadores. - Compreender os princípios de funcionamento de sensores e atuadores de diversos tipos; classificar, saber identificar, caracterizar e desenvolver microsensores e microatuadores. Objetivos específicos consistindo nos resultados da aprendizagem constituem per-si um conjunto de objetivos, nomeadamente: - Conhecer as propriedades elétricas, eletrónicas, mecânicas e ópticas dos materiais utilizados em microdispositivos. - Conhecer e saber aplicar as técnicas de fabrico de microdispositivos. - Compreender o modo de funcionamento, incluindo os princípios de transdução usados, dos principais microssensores disponíveis comercialmente (ópticos, acelerómetros, giroscópios, sensores de pressão e sensores de fluxo) e suas principais aplicações. - Saber quais os principais mecanismos existentes na microatuação (microatuadores térmicos, magnéticos, electrostáticos e piezoelétricos), o seu modo de funcionamento e as principais vantagens e desvantagens de cada um. Reconhecer aplicações que usam microatuadores e a sua importância. - Compreender como as microtenologias de fabrico influenciam a concepção de microssensores e microatuadores e as características dos mesmos. - Aprender como modelar microssensores e microatuadores envolvendo mais do que um domínio físico usando técnicas de lumped modelling. Saber modelar microestruturas no domínio mecânico, térmico e electrostático bem como o acoplamento entre os vários domínios. - Saber modelar e conceber um microssensor/microatuador mecânico usando processos de micro-usinagem superficial ou volúmica incluindo o layout do dispositivo. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Advanced Topics in Signal Processing and Instrumentation - SEL5726 | To enhance and improve the students knowledge in the field of Signal Processing and Instrumentation, with advanced information and expertise, particularly in the area of acquisition, generation, and processing of nuclear magnetic resonance images with applications in the medical field. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 |
4 | 60h |
Computer Vision - SEL5886 | Provide the graduate student with the basic concepts of computer vision and its most important applications. | Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 |
12 | 180h |
Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives - SEL5728 | OBJECTIVES: study of the behavior of electrical drives that employs permanent-magnet synchronous machines. Both machines and electronic power converters are analyzed and studied in detail, with the aim of identifying new proposals and solutions for this area of research. The discipline has also the objective in familiarizing the student with some simulation and analysis tools as well as developing the student abilities to manage such tools. | Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 |
12 | 180h |
Control of Electrical Machines - SEL5864 | The course aims to present and discuss the following topics: Linear and non-linear control techniques for electrical machines, both in operation as a motor and as a generator. Application of non-linear control topologies in direct current machines, asynchronous and synchronous alternating current machines: induction motors with squirrel cage rotor and coiled rotor, synchronous machines with permanent magnet in the rotor, brushless DC motors and machines variable reluctance. Treatment in the domain of continuous and discrete time. Main converters used in powering electrical machines: controlled inverters, cutters and rectifiers. | Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 |
12 | 180h |
Nonlinear Control - SEL5772 | Enable the student to use advanced techniques of non-linear control. It includes new teaching practices that aim to solidify the knowledge of the theory and show the applicability of control theory in practice. Activities include expository and interactive classes and seminars. | Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
12 | 180h |
Optimal Control - SEL5901 | The optimal control theory aims to design control signals for a dynamic system to produce a process that satisfies physical constraints and optimizes a specific cost function. It will present some approaches to solving this problem in a way that reaches a broad audience, including engineers, mathematicians, and economists. The history of optimal control was initiated in 1696 by Johann Bernoulli, a mathematician professor at Groningen University (Netherlands). It continues to be developed through modern theories, different approaches based on models and data are considered. In this course, two algebraic methods are used to deduce optimal regulators. The first is based on variational calculus. It is utilized for systems whose parameters are not subject to uncertainties. The second is based on the robust regularized least mean square. It is used to deal with systems subjected to parametric uncertainties. Concepts related to reinforcement learning and optimal control are introduced. This course provides the students with tools to comprehend recent developments in this area and conditions to develop research in this subject. | Prof. Dr. Marco Henrique Terra ( Lattes +55 16 33 739341 |
12 | 180h |
Analysis and Control of Power System Dynamics - SEL5754 | Introduce the various hierarchical levels of power system dynamics (sub-transient period, transient period and permanent regime), together with the respective phenomena and control devices associated with each of them. To model and analyze in detail the phenomena occurring in the transient period, as well as the control systems acting in this period (damping of oscillations, primary and secondary speed regulation). | Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Andrade Ramos ( Lattes +55 16 33 739348 |
12 | 180h |
Power Electronics I – Control and Operation of DC-AC Converters Connected to Microgrids - SEL5761 | Perform studies on the dynamic behavior of DC-AC converters that use renewable energy sources, energy storage devices and operate in microgrids. In this sense, there are two different modes of working named: autonomous microgrids or grid-tied operation. Evaluate the performance of microgrids employing indices of performance considering the power quality standards and the effects of the main techniques of island detection on the behavior of the microgrid as well as, the operation of them with the use of power-sharing technique applied to power generators and storage devices. Finally, analyze different topologies of DC-AC converters and their applicability in microgrids, emphasizing the power quality, capacity of power-sharing and performance as well. | Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
Power Electronics II - Control and Operation of DC-DC Converters Used with Alternative Energy Sources - SEL5762 | Perform studies on the permanent and transient behavior of DC-DC converters and alternative energy sources (fuel cells, photovoltaic panels and energy storages), as well as the interactions that occur when both operate in a DC microgrid. | Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
Advanced Power Conditioning Techniques for Modern Electric Grids - SEL5777 | The main goal of this course is to introduce theoretical concepts about the deployment of active power conditioners in electric power grids, discussing about their physical infrastructures, their embedded control algorithms, as well as their applications on mitigation of electrical disturbances. The usage of such power conditioners is depicted for traditional operational scenarios, as well as for the perspective of modern electric grids, such as the one of smart grids and microgrids. This course also intends to highlight advanced techniques for the analysis of electric circuits, focusing on the usage of power theories for designing management strategies for power conditioners and multifunctional power converters, also presenting the benefits of managing power conditioners cooperatively. This course is structured based on lectures, computational implementations, seminars, and study cases of real application scenarios. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 |
12 | 180h |
Fundamentals of Power Electronics for Vehicle Electrification - SEL5913 | This course aims to develop the theoretical foundations of vehicle electrification and deepen knowledge about the integration of electronic power converters and energy management used in electric vehicles. Students are expected to understand the elements used in the development of a fully electric or hybrid vehicle, focusing on the presentation of power electronics technologies. Several advanced topologies of power electronic converters adopted in vehicle electrification are presented, as well as their control strategies and the implementation of energy management approaches are discussed. Modern energy storage technologies, with a focus on batteries, are also presented in the course, enabling students to understand the design process of such systems and implement energy balancing approaches. The means of transferring power between the different stages of energy conversion in an electric vehicle are also analyzed in the discipline. Furthermore, the topologies of charging stations and charging circuits for electric vehicles are discussed, evaluating their possibilities for interaction with electrical networks. Computer simulations are adopted to illustrate the design and operability of electric vehicles and real case studies exemplify the integration of power converters, energy management approaches and energy storage technologies. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
IoT and Data Acquisition Fundamentals for Industry 4.0 - SEL5908 | Identifying the fundamental concepts related to the IoT (Internet of Things) sensors development and data acquisition for Industry 4.0, addressing existing technologies and technological challenges. Comprehending various types and applications of IoT and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) sensors, with a primary emphasis on network, security, and efficiency in data transmission between devices. Assimilating the data acquisition and processing technologies specific to Industry 4.0, focusing on developing algorithms for feature extraction in embedded systems. Learning the techniques for designing, developing, and prototyping sensors suitable for challenging industrial environments and embedded software implementation. Contributing to the comprehensive scientific and technological framework necessary for IoT sensors within the Industry 4.0 scope. | Prof. Dr. Fabio Romano Lofrano Dotto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 |
12 | 180h |
Dynamic models of electrical machines - SEL5738 | To present dynamic systems modeling techniques applied to electrical machines in general with a view to torque, speed and position control. Introduce vector techniques in the description of the dynamics of electric machines: space phasors and transfer function notations to complex coefficients. | Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 |
12 | 180h |
Condition Monitoring of Industrial Assets - SEL5776 | This course aims to provide industrial and scientific knowledge on using condition monitoring techniques for engineering assets following a recent of the industry. The course introduces the basics of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in modern manufacturing systems, including sensor and sensor systems, data acquisition, signal processing, pattern recognition, and key-enabling industry 4.0 technologies. The structure of this course covers classroom lectures, projects, case studies, and application examples to industrial processes. | Prof. Dr. Pedro de Oliveira Conceição Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 |
12 | 180h |
Digital Signal Processing - SEL5879 | Provide theoretical background in digital signal processing and deal with problems of continuous acquisition and digital signal filtering. | Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 |
12 | 180h |
Artificial Neural Networks - SEL5712 | The main models related to the artificial neural networks are analyzed in this course, with propositions of neural topologies such models, in order to solve engineering problems. The principal supervised and unsupervised training methods for artificial neural networks will be also investigated. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 |
12 | 180h |
Fuzzy Systems - SEL5755 | The concepts, foundations and techniques related to the systems based on fuzzy logic, as well as the procedures used for treatment of uncertainties and imprecision associated to the information, are provided in this course. Several examples that illustrate the use of fuzzy systems in applications related to pattern recognition, knowledge-based systems and system identification are here covered. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 |
12 | 180h |
Non-linear systems - SEL5739 | The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory of non-linear dynamical systems for engineers. It is a course on analysis and does not approach the issue of controller design. In particular, the course aims 1) Illustrate complex behaviors of nonlinear dynamical systems that are not observed in linearized systems, including the existence of multiple equilibrium points, limit cycles and chaotic behavior; 2) Present some techniques of qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems, including estimates of solutions and analysis of the asymptotic behavior of solutions of differential equations; 3) Present an introduction to the theory of stability of nonlinear dynamical systems and 4) Present an introduction to the bifurcations theory. | Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 |
12 | 180h |
Theory of Linear Systems - SEL5911 | The course aims to develop the fundamentals of analysis and design of controllers for linear dynamic systems. Special focus is given to the case of multivariable systems and state-space representation. Moreover, the course seeks to incorporate new teaching practices to strengthen the knowledge of linear systems theory for new generations of researchers, especially for graduate students in the field of dynamic systems. | Prof. Dr. Marcos Rogerio Fernandes ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 |
12 | 180h |
Topics in Dynamic Systems - SEL5748 | This course aims to provide students with the fundamental mathematical concepts needed to create a numerical limit cycle locator using the time-domain Shooting Method. The Shooting Method, introduced in the early seventies, is a numerical technique that allows for the efficient determination of the periodic steady-state solution of a dynamic smooth system described by a generic semi-explicit index-1 differential-algebraic equation. Over the last two decades, this method has been extended to hybrid dynamical systems and has become popular among designers and scholars working with electronic oscillators. It has also gained visibility in the power system and power delivery domains in recent years. One of its key advantages is that the differential-algebraic equation governing the dynamics of the circuits and systems under study can be automatically derived in simulation programs using well-known techniques such as the modified nodal analysis, based solely on the circuit netlist. This enables the automatic search for periodic steady-state solutions of complex circuits and systems through an agnostic iterative method, like the Shooting Method, which does not require specific information about the circuit aside the differential-algebraic equation itself. Furthermore, the numerical outputs of the Shooting Method are valuable for subsequent stability analyses, as they allow for the derivation of the small-signal response of the system being studied. Upon completing the course, students will have the necessary knowledge to develop their own limit cycle locators, and a live demo developed in Matlab will provide practical guidance for implementing the software. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Marco Henrique Terra ( Lattes +55 16 33 739341 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
2 | 30h |
Robotic Computer Vision - SEL5724 | Presenting fundamentals and methods of computer vision used for tridimensional geometry estimation of the environment camera images, and applications of these methods in robotics, such as, mapping, location, visual servo control, tracking. The focus of the course is on the estimation of the position and motion of objects of interest in the environment fixed camera images; or similarly, the position and movement of cameras fixed reference points observed in the environment. For this purpose, methods often used in robotic applications will be presented for image segmentation, feature extraction, calibration of cameras and stereoscopic vision. | Prof. Dr. Valdir Grassi Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739356 |
12 | 180h |
Potency Electric Systems
Nombre de la Disciplina | Metas: | Profesor: | Créditos: | Carga de trabajo total: |
Application of Electromagnetics on Medical Devices - SEL5764 | This course is offered in the scope of program PRINT-CAPES/USP, promoted by CAPES. The working of the course is based on a set of tutorials, courses, sessions and lectures. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
2 | 30h |
Applications of Advanced Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems - SEL5912 | The general objective of this course is for the postgraduate students who had taken the course on Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems, is to develop an interest in deepening their knowledge and implementation of new applications, namely: advanced instrumentation for neurosciences (DBS), optogenetics, piezoelectric sensor technology, biomechanics of body posture and movements, advanced microcontroller-based instrumentation, design of smart power supplies for data acquisition systems, and advanced communication protocols in wireless medical devices. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Machine Learning - SEL5742 | Analysis of the main existing machine learning paradigms, techniques and algorithms for automatic acquisition of knowledge observations, with the aim of solving engineering problems and applied sciences. Several applications that illustrate the use of machine learning in problems involving feature extraction, system identification, pattern recognition and knowledge-based systems will be covered. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
12 | 180h |
Quality Evaluation of Medical Images - SEL5708 | To show why and how the investigation of the quality of medical images should be made, allowing the student to know concepts associated with the evaluation techniques, as well as to acquire the ability to recognize the problems of medical imaging systems through the proper analysis of those images. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Reconfigurable Devices and Hardware Description Language - SEL5752 | To introduce the concepts of reconfigurable devices and the use of hardware description language VHDL (Very high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language), allowing postgraduates, regardless of their program area choice, to acquire basic knowledge in the use of this technology in the development of projects in reconfigurable hardware. Also, present computational tools related to the use of this hardware description language in the development of electrical engineering projects in reconfigurable devices. | Prof. Dr. Maximiliam Luppe ( Lattes +55 16 33 739349 |
12 | 180h |
Radiation Basics for Ocular Bioengineering - SEL5775 | We present concepts of ocular bioengineering, focused on the effects of radiation in the ocular media, as well as in sunglasses. In addition, it should provide the student fundamental concepts in photometry of solar radiation, especially in the ultraviolet range. Regarding the growing Brazilian market in terms of sunglasses analysis and its standardization, this course offers students the understanding of the involved radiation and instrumentation measurements of this sector, which started within LIO-EESC - USP and is growing in the market due to laws created for the certified sunglasses sector in Brazil. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Physical Foundations of Medical Imaging - SEL5705 | Providing basic knowledge about physical principles associated with medical imaging in order to provide the student the ability of understanding techniques and systems related to these images acquisition. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Introduction to Ophthalmic Instrumentation - SEL5751 | To present an introduction to Ophthalmological concepts, more specifically, to the human eye the point of view of Ophthalmology technology developers and to show the principles of optical, mechanical, electrical and image processing of most ophthalmological equipment currently used by professionals. Introduction to solar radiation and its eye interaction, as well as the use of solar lenses. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Introduction to Digital Image Processing - SEL5895 | Provide the graduate student with the basic concepts of digital image processing and its most important applications. | Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
12 | 180h |
Radiofrequency microdevices - SEL5730 | Design the components of a radio-frequency (RF) transmitter and receiver at the scale of the microdevice . | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Bibliographical Research - SEL5722 | • Present the basic methodological scientific instruments; • Demonstrate Scientific Methodology as technical writing; • Prove the importance of observing logical methodology for accessing and applying existing knowledge and, through its use, proving the originality of their academic contribution and avoiding unnecessary duplication or repetition; • Offer methodological subsidies for the best level of quality of the academic document, resulting masters or doctoral works; • Allow greater ability to access different types and categories of documents and essential information for postgraduate research; • Train in mastery and skill in writing academic work of “reading and/or bibliography review” and “state-of-the-art” reports. | Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Profª. Drª. Elenise Maria de Araujo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738186 Prof. Dr. Leonardo André Ambrosio ( Lattes +55 16 33 738137 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
6 | 90h |
Design of CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits - SEL5909 | To deepen the knowledge on MOSFET transistors, manufacturing and modeling, MOS analog circuits, design techniques and simulations, enabling the student, regardless of their specific field within the postgraduate program, to analyze and develop analog integrated circuits. | Prof. Dr. Joao Navarro Soares Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739325 |
12 | 180h |
Projects in Ophthalmic Instrumentation and Solar Glasses - SEL5758 | Present new ocular bioengineering projects that prioritize Brazilian needs. Carry out small projects on techniques, programs, or ophthalmological systems or for sunglasses at the postgraduate level. The projects involve knowledge of electronics and/or programming. The purpose of the course is to enable students to apply their knowledge in this area so that the projects can be implemented primarily at the School of Engineering of São Carlos, thereby stimulating students to witness immediate results of their acquired knowledge applied to the field of ocular bioengineering. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Sistema de Formação de Imagens - SEL5709 | Auxiliar na capacitação dos engenheiros que pretendem desenvolver, melhorar ou dar manutenção a instrumentos de aquisição de imagens. Fornecer, aos pesquisadores que realizam processamento de imagens, o conhecimento dos aparelhos que as produzem. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems - SEL5769 | The general objective is for postgraduate students, regardless of their chosen area in the program, to acquire basic knowledge of medical instrumentation regarding biomedical sensors, amplifiers, active filters, data converters, biosignal processing, electrodes for biopotential acquisition, amplifiers for biopotentials, as well as interference quantification and reduction. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Digital Medical Imaging Systems - SEL5750 | Presentation of modern technologies of medical images acquisition, involving digitization processes (indirect and direct) of the signal in order to the student interested in the development, operation and evaluation of digital medical imaging equipment in its various modalities | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Microsystems Technology for Microsensors and Microactuators - SEL5729 | Objetivos gerais: - Compreender os materiais e as técnicas básicas de microfabricação e da microeletrónica para fabrico de microssistemas, mais especificamente microssensores e microatuadores. - Compreender os princípios de funcionamento de sensores e atuadores de diversos tipos; classificar, saber identificar, caracterizar e desenvolver microsensores e microatuadores. Objetivos específicos consistindo nos resultados da aprendizagem constituem per-si um conjunto de objetivos, nomeadamente: - Conhecer as propriedades elétricas, eletrónicas, mecânicas e ópticas dos materiais utilizados em microdispositivos. - Conhecer e saber aplicar as técnicas de fabrico de microdispositivos. - Compreender o modo de funcionamento, incluindo os princípios de transdução usados, dos principais microssensores disponíveis comercialmente (ópticos, acelerómetros, giroscópios, sensores de pressão e sensores de fluxo) e suas principais aplicações. - Saber quais os principais mecanismos existentes na microatuação (microatuadores térmicos, magnéticos, electrostáticos e piezoelétricos), o seu modo de funcionamento e as principais vantagens e desvantagens de cada um. Reconhecer aplicações que usam microatuadores e a sua importância. - Compreender como as microtenologias de fabrico influenciam a concepção de microssensores e microatuadores e as características dos mesmos. - Aprender como modelar microssensores e microatuadores envolvendo mais do que um domínio físico usando técnicas de lumped modelling. Saber modelar microestruturas no domínio mecânico, térmico e electrostático bem como o acoplamento entre os vários domínios. - Saber modelar e conceber um microssensor/microatuador mecânico usando processos de micro-usinagem superficial ou volúmica incluindo o layout do dispositivo. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Advanced Topics in Signal Processing and Instrumentation - SEL5726 | To enhance and improve the students knowledge in the field of Signal Processing and Instrumentation, with advanced information and expertise, particularly in the area of acquisition, generation, and processing of nuclear magnetic resonance images with applications in the medical field. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 |
4 | 60h |
Computer Vision - SEL5886 | Provide the graduate student with the basic concepts of computer vision and its most important applications. | Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 |
12 | 180h |
Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives - SEL5728 | OBJECTIVES: study of the behavior of electrical drives that employs permanent-magnet synchronous machines. Both machines and electronic power converters are analyzed and studied in detail, with the aim of identifying new proposals and solutions for this area of research. The discipline has also the objective in familiarizing the student with some simulation and analysis tools as well as developing the student abilities to manage such tools. | Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 |
12 | 180h |
Control of Electrical Machines - SEL5864 | The course aims to present and discuss the following topics: Linear and non-linear control techniques for electrical machines, both in operation as a motor and as a generator. Application of non-linear control topologies in direct current machines, asynchronous and synchronous alternating current machines: induction motors with squirrel cage rotor and coiled rotor, synchronous machines with permanent magnet in the rotor, brushless DC motors and machines variable reluctance. Treatment in the domain of continuous and discrete time. Main converters used in powering electrical machines: controlled inverters, cutters and rectifiers. | Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 |
12 | 180h |
Nonlinear Control - SEL5772 | Enable the student to use advanced techniques of non-linear control. It includes new teaching practices that aim to solidify the knowledge of the theory and show the applicability of control theory in practice. Activities include expository and interactive classes and seminars. | Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
12 | 180h |
Optimal Control - SEL5901 | The optimal control theory aims to design control signals for a dynamic system to produce a process that satisfies physical constraints and optimizes a specific cost function. It will present some approaches to solving this problem in a way that reaches a broad audience, including engineers, mathematicians, and economists. The history of optimal control was initiated in 1696 by Johann Bernoulli, a mathematician professor at Groningen University (Netherlands). It continues to be developed through modern theories, different approaches based on models and data are considered. In this course, two algebraic methods are used to deduce optimal regulators. The first is based on variational calculus. It is utilized for systems whose parameters are not subject to uncertainties. The second is based on the robust regularized least mean square. It is used to deal with systems subjected to parametric uncertainties. Concepts related to reinforcement learning and optimal control are introduced. This course provides the students with tools to comprehend recent developments in this area and conditions to develop research in this subject. | Prof. Dr. Marco Henrique Terra ( Lattes +55 16 33 739341 |
12 | 180h |
Analysis and Control of Power System Dynamics - SEL5754 | Introduce the various hierarchical levels of power system dynamics (sub-transient period, transient period and permanent regime), together with the respective phenomena and control devices associated with each of them. To model and analyze in detail the phenomena occurring in the transient period, as well as the control systems acting in this period (damping of oscillations, primary and secondary speed regulation). | Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Andrade Ramos ( Lattes +55 16 33 739348 |
12 | 180h |
Power Electronics I – Control and Operation of DC-AC Converters Connected to Microgrids - SEL5761 | Perform studies on the dynamic behavior of DC-AC converters that use renewable energy sources, energy storage devices and operate in microgrids. In this sense, there are two different modes of working named: autonomous microgrids or grid-tied operation. Evaluate the performance of microgrids employing indices of performance considering the power quality standards and the effects of the main techniques of island detection on the behavior of the microgrid as well as, the operation of them with the use of power-sharing technique applied to power generators and storage devices. Finally, analyze different topologies of DC-AC converters and their applicability in microgrids, emphasizing the power quality, capacity of power-sharing and performance as well. | Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
Power Electronics II - Control and Operation of DC-DC Converters Used with Alternative Energy Sources - SEL5762 | Perform studies on the permanent and transient behavior of DC-DC converters and alternative energy sources (fuel cells, photovoltaic panels and energy storages), as well as the interactions that occur when both operate in a DC microgrid. | Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
Advanced Power Conditioning Techniques for Modern Electric Grids - SEL5777 | The main goal of this course is to introduce theoretical concepts about the deployment of active power conditioners in electric power grids, discussing about their physical infrastructures, their embedded control algorithms, as well as their applications on mitigation of electrical disturbances. The usage of such power conditioners is depicted for traditional operational scenarios, as well as for the perspective of modern electric grids, such as the one of smart grids and microgrids. This course also intends to highlight advanced techniques for the analysis of electric circuits, focusing on the usage of power theories for designing management strategies for power conditioners and multifunctional power converters, also presenting the benefits of managing power conditioners cooperatively. This course is structured based on lectures, computational implementations, seminars, and study cases of real application scenarios. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 |
12 | 180h |
Fundamentals of Power Electronics for Vehicle Electrification - SEL5913 | This course aims to develop the theoretical foundations of vehicle electrification and deepen knowledge about the integration of electronic power converters and energy management used in electric vehicles. Students are expected to understand the elements used in the development of a fully electric or hybrid vehicle, focusing on the presentation of power electronics technologies. Several advanced topologies of power electronic converters adopted in vehicle electrification are presented, as well as their control strategies and the implementation of energy management approaches are discussed. Modern energy storage technologies, with a focus on batteries, are also presented in the course, enabling students to understand the design process of such systems and implement energy balancing approaches. The means of transferring power between the different stages of energy conversion in an electric vehicle are also analyzed in the discipline. Furthermore, the topologies of charging stations and charging circuits for electric vehicles are discussed, evaluating their possibilities for interaction with electrical networks. Computer simulations are adopted to illustrate the design and operability of electric vehicles and real case studies exemplify the integration of power converters, energy management approaches and energy storage technologies. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
IoT and Data Acquisition Fundamentals for Industry 4.0 - SEL5908 | Identifying the fundamental concepts related to the IoT (Internet of Things) sensors development and data acquisition for Industry 4.0, addressing existing technologies and technological challenges. Comprehending various types and applications of IoT and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) sensors, with a primary emphasis on network, security, and efficiency in data transmission between devices. Assimilating the data acquisition and processing technologies specific to Industry 4.0, focusing on developing algorithms for feature extraction in embedded systems. Learning the techniques for designing, developing, and prototyping sensors suitable for challenging industrial environments and embedded software implementation. Contributing to the comprehensive scientific and technological framework necessary for IoT sensors within the Industry 4.0 scope. | Prof. Dr. Fabio Romano Lofrano Dotto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 |
12 | 180h |
Dynamic models of electrical machines - SEL5738 | To present dynamic systems modeling techniques applied to electrical machines in general with a view to torque, speed and position control. Introduce vector techniques in the description of the dynamics of electric machines: space phasors and transfer function notations to complex coefficients. | Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 |
12 | 180h |
Condition Monitoring of Industrial Assets - SEL5776 | This course aims to provide industrial and scientific knowledge on using condition monitoring techniques for engineering assets following a recent of the industry. The course introduces the basics of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in modern manufacturing systems, including sensor and sensor systems, data acquisition, signal processing, pattern recognition, and key-enabling industry 4.0 technologies. The structure of this course covers classroom lectures, projects, case studies, and application examples to industrial processes. | Prof. Dr. Pedro de Oliveira Conceição Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 |
12 | 180h |
Digital Signal Processing - SEL5879 | Provide theoretical background in digital signal processing and deal with problems of continuous acquisition and digital signal filtering. | Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 |
12 | 180h |
Artificial Neural Networks - SEL5712 | The main models related to the artificial neural networks are analyzed in this course, with propositions of neural topologies such models, in order to solve engineering problems. The principal supervised and unsupervised training methods for artificial neural networks will be also investigated. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 |
12 | 180h |
Fuzzy Systems - SEL5755 | The concepts, foundations and techniques related to the systems based on fuzzy logic, as well as the procedures used for treatment of uncertainties and imprecision associated to the information, are provided in this course. Several examples that illustrate the use of fuzzy systems in applications related to pattern recognition, knowledge-based systems and system identification are here covered. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 |
12 | 180h |
Non-linear systems - SEL5739 | The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory of non-linear dynamical systems for engineers. It is a course on analysis and does not approach the issue of controller design. In particular, the course aims 1) Illustrate complex behaviors of nonlinear dynamical systems that are not observed in linearized systems, including the existence of multiple equilibrium points, limit cycles and chaotic behavior; 2) Present some techniques of qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems, including estimates of solutions and analysis of the asymptotic behavior of solutions of differential equations; 3) Present an introduction to the theory of stability of nonlinear dynamical systems and 4) Present an introduction to the bifurcations theory. | Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 |
12 | 180h |
Theory of Linear Systems - SEL5911 | The course aims to develop the fundamentals of analysis and design of controllers for linear dynamic systems. Special focus is given to the case of multivariable systems and state-space representation. Moreover, the course seeks to incorporate new teaching practices to strengthen the knowledge of linear systems theory for new generations of researchers, especially for graduate students in the field of dynamic systems. | Prof. Dr. Marcos Rogerio Fernandes ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 |
12 | 180h |
Topics in Dynamic Systems - SEL5748 | This course aims to provide students with the fundamental mathematical concepts needed to create a numerical limit cycle locator using the time-domain Shooting Method. The Shooting Method, introduced in the early seventies, is a numerical technique that allows for the efficient determination of the periodic steady-state solution of a dynamic smooth system described by a generic semi-explicit index-1 differential-algebraic equation. Over the last two decades, this method has been extended to hybrid dynamical systems and has become popular among designers and scholars working with electronic oscillators. It has also gained visibility in the power system and power delivery domains in recent years. One of its key advantages is that the differential-algebraic equation governing the dynamics of the circuits and systems under study can be automatically derived in simulation programs using well-known techniques such as the modified nodal analysis, based solely on the circuit netlist. This enables the automatic search for periodic steady-state solutions of complex circuits and systems through an agnostic iterative method, like the Shooting Method, which does not require specific information about the circuit aside the differential-algebraic equation itself. Furthermore, the numerical outputs of the Shooting Method are valuable for subsequent stability analyses, as they allow for the derivation of the small-signal response of the system being studied. Upon completing the course, students will have the necessary knowledge to develop their own limit cycle locators, and a live demo developed in Matlab will provide practical guidance for implementing the software. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Marco Henrique Terra ( Lattes +55 16 33 739341 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
2 | 30h |
Robotic Computer Vision - SEL5724 | Presenting fundamentals and methods of computer vision used for tridimensional geometry estimation of the environment camera images, and applications of these methods in robotics, such as, mapping, location, visual servo control, tracking. The focus of the course is on the estimation of the position and motion of objects of interest in the environment fixed camera images; or similarly, the position and movement of cameras fixed reference points observed in the environment. For this purpose, methods often used in robotic applications will be presented for image segmentation, feature extraction, calibration of cameras and stereoscopic vision. | Prof. Dr. Valdir Grassi Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739356 |
12 | 180h |
Static Analysis of Electric Power Systems - SEL5747 | The main objective of this subject is to present the basic concepts on static analysis of electrical power systems as well as to introduce new trends regarding modeling and solution methods to the graduate students interested in electrical power systems. | Prof. Dr. Benvindo Rodrigues Pereira Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738131 Prof. Dr. Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada ( Lattes +55 16 33 738706 |
12 | 180h |
Electric Power Distribution - SEL5760 | The main objectives of this discipline are to introduce and / or improve concepts related to the modeling, analysis and operation of electric energy distribution networks to postgraduate students of the area of concentration Electric Power Systems, providing the initial theoretical basis necessary for the development scientific research in this area. As an additional objective, the discussion of relevant scientific papers published within this line of research will be encouraged. | Prof. Dr. Benvindo Rodrigues Pereira Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738131 Prof. Dr. Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada ( Lattes +55 16 33 738706 Prof. Dr. José Carlos de Melo Vieira Júnior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738707 Prof. Dr. Mario Oleskovicz ( Lattes +55 16 33 738142 |
12 | 180h |
Stability in Electric Power Systems - SEL5857 | Provide a general understanding of the problem of stability analysis of electrical power systems, including analysis of small signal stability, transient stability, voltage stability and stability problems arising the connection of generation through electronic converters. Characterize the different scenarios that can lead an electrical power system to instability. Present the stability analysis tools commonly used to study these different scenarios including: 1) Stability to small perturbations: (i) Linearization, (ii) Modal analysis; 2) Transient Stability: (i) Step-by-Step Method (Numerical Integration), (ii) Direct Methods (Energy Function Methods); 3) Voltage Stability: (i) PV Curves, (ii) Continuation Method | Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Andrade Ramos ( Lattes +55 16 33 739348 |
12 | 180h |
State Estimation in Electric Power Systems - SEL5717 | The main objective of this course is to present, in a didactic manner, with the depth required for the training of graduate students, the general nature of the process of state estimation in electric power systems, highlighting its importance for real-time operation, contextualizing its development and the need to evolve to keep in line with new trends and current technologies. | Prof. Dr. Joao Bosco Augusto London Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739321 |
12 | 180h |
Distributed Generation - SEL5765 | Os objetivos da disciplina compreendem a apresentação e discussão das principais tecnologias utilizadas em geração distribuída, e a análise de seus impactos no planejamento e operação de sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica, evidenciando os efeitos benéficos e eventuais prejuízos aos mesmos. Essas análises visam verificar a influência dos geradores distribuídos na operação em regime permanente das redes de distribuição, na qualidade da energia elétrica e confiabilidade dessas redes, nas filosofias de ajustes de dispositivos de proteção e na ocorrência de distúrbios, como curtos-circuitos e ilhamento, por exemplo. | Prof. Dr. José Carlos de Melo Vieira Júnior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738707 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
Metaheuristics Applied to Electrical Energy Problems - SEL5770 | This course aims to provide basic concepts about optimization , classical optimization methods, heuristic and metaheuristics techniques applied to the electrical power systems problems. | Prof. Dr. Benvindo Rodrigues Pereira Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738131 Prof. Dr. Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada ( Lattes +55 16 33 738706 |
12 | 180h |
Transient Modeling in Electric Power Systems - SEL5903 | Present methods of numerical modeling components of electric power systems under transient conditions and computational methods for determining the dynamics of electrical disturbances in the power system. Provide practical situations involving shortages and quality of electric power. | Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
12 | 180h |
Parameter Estimation and Modeling - SEL5773 | Introduce to the graduate student the theory of parameter estimation of mathematical models present in various studies of electrical engineering | Prof. Dr. Elmer Pablo Tito Cari ( Lattes +55 16 33 739337 |
12 | 180h |
Pedagogical Preparation: Teaching Strategies in Electrical Engineering - SEL5720 | The general objective of this course is to develop pedagogical skills establishing the background and facilitating the activities as a lecturer in higher education. Present the concepts and fundamentals of higher education, highlighting the importance of the political pedagogic project and competencies of a lecturer for teaching. - Present teaching planning models so that students can propose, prepare and develop strategies relevant to the subject of study. - Develop skills for planning, developing and evaluating educational strategies in higher education. - Improve the knowledge needed to identify, and justify the use of suitable educational technologies, including the use of virtual learning environments. - Contribute to the improvement of students&39; skills in the preparation of education materials, communication, and organization. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Prof. Dr. Fabio Romano Lofrano Dotto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Pedro de Oliveira Conceição Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Andrade Ramos ( Lattes +55 16 33 739348 |
6 | 90h |
Digital Protection of Power Systems - SEL5855 | To provide students general knowledge regarding the protection of electrical systems, going conventional methods to the most sophisticated methods applying digital technology. The emphasis of the course is on the presentation of digital techniques for protection with regard to the hardware and software used for this purpose. Protection will also be presented the smart grid perspective, mainly addressing the use of smart techniques in improving it. Protection techniques will extended to transmission, distribution systems, as well as microgrids. | Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Prof. Dr. Mario Oleskovicz ( Lattes +55 16 33 738142 |
12 | 180h |
Power Quality - SEL5749 | The course aims to highlight the main fundamentals, terms and definitions about the Power Quality (PQ). As the sources of disturbances associated with the lack of PQ must be known and controlled, the course in question also aims to present techniques for the detection, classification and location of different disturbances and or phenomena that may occur and or manifest on the Electric Power System (EPS), presenting modern tools for this purpose. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the course presents to the graduate students, the development of research related to the outlined subjects, denoting the current interest of the Brazilian and worldwide electric sector in the topics covered. | Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Prof. Dr. Mario Oleskovicz ( Lattes +55 16 33 738142 |
12 | 180h |
Advanced Topics in Electric Power Systems - SEL5723 | Apresentar aos alunos conceitos, definições e linhas de pesquisas associadas a acionamentos elétricos, micro redes, modelagem de sistemas elétricos para simulação de transitórios, e a proteção digital de sistemas elétricos de potência. | Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Prof. Dr. Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada ( Lattes +55 16 33 738706 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Andrade Ramos ( Lattes +55 16 33 739348 |
12 | 180h |
Nombre de la Disciplina | Metas: | Profesor: | Créditos: | Carga de trabajo total: |
Application of Electromagnetics on Medical Devices - SEL5764 | This course is offered in the scope of program PRINT-CAPES/USP, promoted by CAPES. The working of the course is based on a set of tutorials, courses, sessions and lectures. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
2 | 30h |
Applications of Advanced Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems - SEL5912 | The general objective of this course is for the postgraduate students who had taken the course on Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems, is to develop an interest in deepening their knowledge and implementation of new applications, namely: advanced instrumentation for neurosciences (DBS), optogenetics, piezoelectric sensor technology, biomechanics of body posture and movements, advanced microcontroller-based instrumentation, design of smart power supplies for data acquisition systems, and advanced communication protocols in wireless medical devices. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Machine Learning - SEL5742 | Analysis of the main existing machine learning paradigms, techniques and algorithms for automatic acquisition of knowledge observations, with the aim of solving engineering problems and applied sciences. Several applications that illustrate the use of machine learning in problems involving feature extraction, system identification, pattern recognition and knowledge-based systems will be covered. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
12 | 180h |
Quality Evaluation of Medical Images - SEL5708 | To show why and how the investigation of the quality of medical images should be made, allowing the student to know concepts associated with the evaluation techniques, as well as to acquire the ability to recognize the problems of medical imaging systems through the proper analysis of those images. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Reconfigurable Devices and Hardware Description Language - SEL5752 | To introduce the concepts of reconfigurable devices and the use of hardware description language VHDL (Very high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language), allowing postgraduates, regardless of their program area choice, to acquire basic knowledge in the use of this technology in the development of projects in reconfigurable hardware. Also, present computational tools related to the use of this hardware description language in the development of electrical engineering projects in reconfigurable devices. | Prof. Dr. Maximiliam Luppe ( Lattes +55 16 33 739349 |
12 | 180h |
Radiation Basics for Ocular Bioengineering - SEL5775 | We present concepts of ocular bioengineering, focused on the effects of radiation in the ocular media, as well as in sunglasses. In addition, it should provide the student fundamental concepts in photometry of solar radiation, especially in the ultraviolet range. Regarding the growing Brazilian market in terms of sunglasses analysis and its standardization, this course offers students the understanding of the involved radiation and instrumentation measurements of this sector, which started within LIO-EESC - USP and is growing in the market due to laws created for the certified sunglasses sector in Brazil. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Physical Foundations of Medical Imaging - SEL5705 | Providing basic knowledge about physical principles associated with medical imaging in order to provide the student the ability of understanding techniques and systems related to these images acquisition. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Introduction to Ophthalmic Instrumentation - SEL5751 | To present an introduction to Ophthalmological concepts, more specifically, to the human eye the point of view of Ophthalmology technology developers and to show the principles of optical, mechanical, electrical and image processing of most ophthalmological equipment currently used by professionals. Introduction to solar radiation and its eye interaction, as well as the use of solar lenses. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Introduction to Digital Image Processing - SEL5895 | Provide the graduate student with the basic concepts of digital image processing and its most important applications. | Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
12 | 180h |
Radiofrequency microdevices - SEL5730 | Design the components of a radio-frequency (RF) transmitter and receiver at the scale of the microdevice . | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Bibliographical Research - SEL5722 | • Present the basic methodological scientific instruments; • Demonstrate Scientific Methodology as technical writing; • Prove the importance of observing logical methodology for accessing and applying existing knowledge and, through its use, proving the originality of their academic contribution and avoiding unnecessary duplication or repetition; • Offer methodological subsidies for the best level of quality of the academic document, resulting masters or doctoral works; • Allow greater ability to access different types and categories of documents and essential information for postgraduate research; • Train in mastery and skill in writing academic work of “reading and/or bibliography review” and “state-of-the-art” reports. | Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Profª. Drª. Elenise Maria de Araujo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738186 Prof. Dr. Leonardo André Ambrosio ( Lattes +55 16 33 738137 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
6 | 90h |
Design of CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits - SEL5909 | To deepen the knowledge on MOSFET transistors, manufacturing and modeling, MOS analog circuits, design techniques and simulations, enabling the student, regardless of their specific field within the postgraduate program, to analyze and develop analog integrated circuits. | Prof. Dr. Joao Navarro Soares Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739325 |
12 | 180h |
Projects in Ophthalmic Instrumentation and Solar Glasses - SEL5758 | Present new ocular bioengineering projects that prioritize Brazilian needs. Carry out small projects on techniques, programs, or ophthalmological systems or for sunglasses at the postgraduate level. The projects involve knowledge of electronics and/or programming. The purpose of the course is to enable students to apply their knowledge in this area so that the projects can be implemented primarily at the School of Engineering of São Carlos, thereby stimulating students to witness immediate results of their acquired knowledge applied to the field of ocular bioengineering. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 |
12 | 180h |
Sistema de Formação de Imagens - SEL5709 | Auxiliar na capacitação dos engenheiros que pretendem desenvolver, melhorar ou dar manutenção a instrumentos de aquisição de imagens. Fornecer, aos pesquisadores que realizam processamento de imagens, o conhecimento dos aparelhos que as produzem. | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Biomedical Data Acquisition Systems - SEL5769 | The general objective is for postgraduate students, regardless of their chosen area in the program, to acquire basic knowledge of medical instrumentation regarding biomedical sensors, amplifiers, active filters, data converters, biosignal processing, electrodes for biopotential acquisition, amplifiers for biopotentials, as well as interference quantification and reduction. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Digital Medical Imaging Systems - SEL5750 | Presentation of modern technologies of medical images acquisition, involving digitization processes (indirect and direct) of the signal in order to the student interested in the development, operation and evaluation of digital medical imaging equipment in its various modalities | Prof. Dr. Homero Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739181 |
12 | 180h |
Microsystems Technology for Microsensors and Microactuators - SEL5729 | Objetivos gerais: - Compreender os materiais e as técnicas básicas de microfabricação e da microeletrónica para fabrico de microssistemas, mais especificamente microssensores e microatuadores. - Compreender os princípios de funcionamento de sensores e atuadores de diversos tipos; classificar, saber identificar, caracterizar e desenvolver microsensores e microatuadores. Objetivos específicos consistindo nos resultados da aprendizagem constituem per-si um conjunto de objetivos, nomeadamente: - Conhecer as propriedades elétricas, eletrónicas, mecânicas e ópticas dos materiais utilizados em microdispositivos. - Conhecer e saber aplicar as técnicas de fabrico de microdispositivos. - Compreender o modo de funcionamento, incluindo os princípios de transdução usados, dos principais microssensores disponíveis comercialmente (ópticos, acelerómetros, giroscópios, sensores de pressão e sensores de fluxo) e suas principais aplicações. - Saber quais os principais mecanismos existentes na microatuação (microatuadores térmicos, magnéticos, electrostáticos e piezoelétricos), o seu modo de funcionamento e as principais vantagens e desvantagens de cada um. Reconhecer aplicações que usam microatuadores e a sua importância. - Compreender como as microtenologias de fabrico influenciam a concepção de microssensores e microatuadores e as características dos mesmos. - Aprender como modelar microssensores e microatuadores envolvendo mais do que um domínio físico usando técnicas de lumped modelling. Saber modelar microestruturas no domínio mecânico, térmico e electrostático bem como o acoplamento entre os vários domínios. - Saber modelar e conceber um microssensor/microatuador mecânico usando processos de micro-usinagem superficial ou volúmica incluindo o layout do dispositivo. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Advanced Topics in Signal Processing and Instrumentation - SEL5726 | To enhance and improve the students knowledge in the field of Signal Processing and Instrumentation, with advanced information and expertise, particularly in the area of acquisition, generation, and processing of nuclear magnetic resonance images with applications in the medical field. | Profª. Drª. Liliane Ventura Schiabel ( Lattes +55 16 33 739340 Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 |
4 | 60h |
Computer Vision - SEL5886 | Provide the graduate student with the basic concepts of computer vision and its most important applications. | Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739353 |
12 | 180h |
Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives - SEL5728 | OBJECTIVES: study of the behavior of electrical drives that employs permanent-magnet synchronous machines. Both machines and electronic power converters are analyzed and studied in detail, with the aim of identifying new proposals and solutions for this area of research. The discipline has also the objective in familiarizing the student with some simulation and analysis tools as well as developing the student abilities to manage such tools. | Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 |
12 | 180h |
Control of Electrical Machines - SEL5864 | The course aims to present and discuss the following topics: Linear and non-linear control techniques for electrical machines, both in operation as a motor and as a generator. Application of non-linear control topologies in direct current machines, asynchronous and synchronous alternating current machines: induction motors with squirrel cage rotor and coiled rotor, synchronous machines with permanent magnet in the rotor, brushless DC motors and machines variable reluctance. Treatment in the domain of continuous and discrete time. Main converters used in powering electrical machines: controlled inverters, cutters and rectifiers. | Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 |
12 | 180h |
Nonlinear Control - SEL5772 | Enable the student to use advanced techniques of non-linear control. It includes new teaching practices that aim to solidify the knowledge of the theory and show the applicability of control theory in practice. Activities include expository and interactive classes and seminars. | Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
12 | 180h |
Optimal Control - SEL5901 | The optimal control theory aims to design control signals for a dynamic system to produce a process that satisfies physical constraints and optimizes a specific cost function. It will present some approaches to solving this problem in a way that reaches a broad audience, including engineers, mathematicians, and economists. The history of optimal control was initiated in 1696 by Johann Bernoulli, a mathematician professor at Groningen University (Netherlands). It continues to be developed through modern theories, different approaches based on models and data are considered. In this course, two algebraic methods are used to deduce optimal regulators. The first is based on variational calculus. It is utilized for systems whose parameters are not subject to uncertainties. The second is based on the robust regularized least mean square. It is used to deal with systems subjected to parametric uncertainties. Concepts related to reinforcement learning and optimal control are introduced. This course provides the students with tools to comprehend recent developments in this area and conditions to develop research in this subject. | Prof. Dr. Marco Henrique Terra ( Lattes +55 16 33 739341 |
12 | 180h |
Analysis and Control of Power System Dynamics - SEL5754 | Introduce the various hierarchical levels of power system dynamics (sub-transient period, transient period and permanent regime), together with the respective phenomena and control devices associated with each of them. To model and analyze in detail the phenomena occurring in the transient period, as well as the control systems acting in this period (damping of oscillations, primary and secondary speed regulation). | Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Andrade Ramos ( Lattes +55 16 33 739348 |
12 | 180h |
Power Electronics I – Control and Operation of DC-AC Converters Connected to Microgrids - SEL5761 | Perform studies on the dynamic behavior of DC-AC converters that use renewable energy sources, energy storage devices and operate in microgrids. In this sense, there are two different modes of working named: autonomous microgrids or grid-tied operation. Evaluate the performance of microgrids employing indices of performance considering the power quality standards and the effects of the main techniques of island detection on the behavior of the microgrid as well as, the operation of them with the use of power-sharing technique applied to power generators and storage devices. Finally, analyze different topologies of DC-AC converters and their applicability in microgrids, emphasizing the power quality, capacity of power-sharing and performance as well. | Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
Power Electronics II - Control and Operation of DC-DC Converters Used with Alternative Energy Sources - SEL5762 | Perform studies on the permanent and transient behavior of DC-DC converters and alternative energy sources (fuel cells, photovoltaic panels and energy storages), as well as the interactions that occur when both operate in a DC microgrid. | Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
Advanced Power Conditioning Techniques for Modern Electric Grids - SEL5777 | The main goal of this course is to introduce theoretical concepts about the deployment of active power conditioners in electric power grids, discussing about their physical infrastructures, their embedded control algorithms, as well as their applications on mitigation of electrical disturbances. The usage of such power conditioners is depicted for traditional operational scenarios, as well as for the perspective of modern electric grids, such as the one of smart grids and microgrids. This course also intends to highlight advanced techniques for the analysis of electric circuits, focusing on the usage of power theories for designing management strategies for power conditioners and multifunctional power converters, also presenting the benefits of managing power conditioners cooperatively. This course is structured based on lectures, computational implementations, seminars, and study cases of real application scenarios. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 |
12 | 180h |
Fundamentals of Power Electronics for Vehicle Electrification - SEL5913 | This course aims to develop the theoretical foundations of vehicle electrification and deepen knowledge about the integration of electronic power converters and energy management used in electric vehicles. Students are expected to understand the elements used in the development of a fully electric or hybrid vehicle, focusing on the presentation of power electronics technologies. Several advanced topologies of power electronic converters adopted in vehicle electrification are presented, as well as their control strategies and the implementation of energy management approaches are discussed. Modern energy storage technologies, with a focus on batteries, are also presented in the course, enabling students to understand the design process of such systems and implement energy balancing approaches. The means of transferring power between the different stages of energy conversion in an electric vehicle are also analyzed in the discipline. Furthermore, the topologies of charging stations and charging circuits for electric vehicles are discussed, evaluating their possibilities for interaction with electrical networks. Computer simulations are adopted to illustrate the design and operability of electric vehicles and real case studies exemplify the integration of power converters, energy management approaches and energy storage technologies. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
IoT and Data Acquisition Fundamentals for Industry 4.0 - SEL5908 | Identifying the fundamental concepts related to the IoT (Internet of Things) sensors development and data acquisition for Industry 4.0, addressing existing technologies and technological challenges. Comprehending various types and applications of IoT and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) sensors, with a primary emphasis on network, security, and efficiency in data transmission between devices. Assimilating the data acquisition and processing technologies specific to Industry 4.0, focusing on developing algorithms for feature extraction in embedded systems. Learning the techniques for designing, developing, and prototyping sensors suitable for challenging industrial environments and embedded software implementation. Contributing to the comprehensive scientific and technological framework necessary for IoT sensors within the Industry 4.0 scope. | Prof. Dr. Fabio Romano Lofrano Dotto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 |
12 | 180h |
Dynamic models of electrical machines - SEL5738 | To present dynamic systems modeling techniques applied to electrical machines in general with a view to torque, speed and position control. Introduce vector techniques in the description of the dynamics of electric machines: space phasors and transfer function notations to complex coefficients. | Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 |
12 | 180h |
Condition Monitoring of Industrial Assets - SEL5776 | This course aims to provide industrial and scientific knowledge on using condition monitoring techniques for engineering assets following a recent of the industry. The course introduces the basics of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in modern manufacturing systems, including sensor and sensor systems, data acquisition, signal processing, pattern recognition, and key-enabling industry 4.0 technologies. The structure of this course covers classroom lectures, projects, case studies, and application examples to industrial processes. | Prof. Dr. Pedro de Oliveira Conceição Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 |
12 | 180h |
Digital Signal Processing - SEL5879 | Provide theoretical background in digital signal processing and deal with problems of continuous acquisition and digital signal filtering. | Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 |
12 | 180h |
Artificial Neural Networks - SEL5712 | The main models related to the artificial neural networks are analyzed in this course, with propositions of neural topologies such models, in order to solve engineering problems. The principal supervised and unsupervised training methods for artificial neural networks will be also investigated. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 |
12 | 180h |
Fuzzy Systems - SEL5755 | The concepts, foundations and techniques related to the systems based on fuzzy logic, as well as the procedures used for treatment of uncertainties and imprecision associated to the information, are provided in this course. Several examples that illustrate the use of fuzzy systems in applications related to pattern recognition, knowledge-based systems and system identification are here covered. | Prof. Dr. Ivan Nunes da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739367 |
12 | 180h |
Non-linear systems - SEL5739 | The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory of non-linear dynamical systems for engineers. It is a course on analysis and does not approach the issue of controller design. In particular, the course aims 1) Illustrate complex behaviors of nonlinear dynamical systems that are not observed in linearized systems, including the existence of multiple equilibrium points, limit cycles and chaotic behavior; 2) Present some techniques of qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems, including estimates of solutions and analysis of the asymptotic behavior of solutions of differential equations; 3) Present an introduction to the theory of stability of nonlinear dynamical systems and 4) Present an introduction to the bifurcations theory. | Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 |
12 | 180h |
Theory of Linear Systems - SEL5911 | The course aims to develop the fundamentals of analysis and design of controllers for linear dynamic systems. Special focus is given to the case of multivariable systems and state-space representation. Moreover, the course seeks to incorporate new teaching practices to strengthen the knowledge of linear systems theory for new generations of researchers, especially for graduate students in the field of dynamic systems. | Prof. Dr. Marcos Rogerio Fernandes ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 |
12 | 180h |
Topics in Dynamic Systems - SEL5748 | This course aims to provide students with the fundamental mathematical concepts needed to create a numerical limit cycle locator using the time-domain Shooting Method. The Shooting Method, introduced in the early seventies, is a numerical technique that allows for the efficient determination of the periodic steady-state solution of a dynamic smooth system described by a generic semi-explicit index-1 differential-algebraic equation. Over the last two decades, this method has been extended to hybrid dynamical systems and has become popular among designers and scholars working with electronic oscillators. It has also gained visibility in the power system and power delivery domains in recent years. One of its key advantages is that the differential-algebraic equation governing the dynamics of the circuits and systems under study can be automatically derived in simulation programs using well-known techniques such as the modified nodal analysis, based solely on the circuit netlist. This enables the automatic search for periodic steady-state solutions of complex circuits and systems through an agnostic iterative method, like the Shooting Method, which does not require specific information about the circuit aside the differential-algebraic equation itself. Furthermore, the numerical outputs of the Shooting Method are valuable for subsequent stability analyses, as they allow for the derivation of the small-signal response of the system being studied. Upon completing the course, students will have the necessary knowledge to develop their own limit cycle locators, and a live demo developed in Matlab will provide practical guidance for implementing the software. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Marco Henrique Terra ( Lattes +55 16 33 739341 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
2 | 30h |
Robotic Computer Vision - SEL5724 | Presenting fundamentals and methods of computer vision used for tridimensional geometry estimation of the environment camera images, and applications of these methods in robotics, such as, mapping, location, visual servo control, tracking. The focus of the course is on the estimation of the position and motion of objects of interest in the environment fixed camera images; or similarly, the position and movement of cameras fixed reference points observed in the environment. For this purpose, methods often used in robotic applications will be presented for image segmentation, feature extraction, calibration of cameras and stereoscopic vision. | Prof. Dr. Valdir Grassi Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739356 |
12 | 180h |
Static Analysis of Electric Power Systems - SEL5747 | The main objective of this subject is to present the basic concepts on static analysis of electrical power systems as well as to introduce new trends regarding modeling and solution methods to the graduate students interested in electrical power systems. | Prof. Dr. Benvindo Rodrigues Pereira Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738131 Prof. Dr. Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada ( Lattes +55 16 33 738706 |
12 | 180h |
Electric Power Distribution - SEL5760 | The main objectives of this discipline are to introduce and / or improve concepts related to the modeling, analysis and operation of electric energy distribution networks to postgraduate students of the area of concentration Electric Power Systems, providing the initial theoretical basis necessary for the development scientific research in this area. As an additional objective, the discussion of relevant scientific papers published within this line of research will be encouraged. | Prof. Dr. Benvindo Rodrigues Pereira Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738131 Prof. Dr. Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada ( Lattes +55 16 33 738706 Prof. Dr. José Carlos de Melo Vieira Júnior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738707 Prof. Dr. Mario Oleskovicz ( Lattes +55 16 33 738142 |
12 | 180h |
Stability in Electric Power Systems - SEL5857 | Provide a general understanding of the problem of stability analysis of electrical power systems, including analysis of small signal stability, transient stability, voltage stability and stability problems arising the connection of generation through electronic converters. Characterize the different scenarios that can lead an electrical power system to instability. Present the stability analysis tools commonly used to study these different scenarios including: 1) Stability to small perturbations: (i) Linearization, (ii) Modal analysis; 2) Transient Stability: (i) Step-by-Step Method (Numerical Integration), (ii) Direct Methods (Energy Function Methods); 3) Voltage Stability: (i) PV Curves, (ii) Continuation Method | Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Andrade Ramos ( Lattes +55 16 33 739348 |
12 | 180h |
State Estimation in Electric Power Systems - SEL5717 | The main objective of this course is to present, in a didactic manner, with the depth required for the training of graduate students, the general nature of the process of state estimation in electric power systems, highlighting its importance for real-time operation, contextualizing its development and the need to evolve to keep in line with new trends and current technologies. | Prof. Dr. Joao Bosco Augusto London Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739321 |
12 | 180h |
Distributed Generation - SEL5765 | Os objetivos da disciplina compreendem a apresentação e discussão das principais tecnologias utilizadas em geração distribuída, e a análise de seus impactos no planejamento e operação de sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica, evidenciando os efeitos benéficos e eventuais prejuízos aos mesmos. Essas análises visam verificar a influência dos geradores distribuídos na operação em regime permanente das redes de distribuição, na qualidade da energia elétrica e confiabilidade dessas redes, nas filosofias de ajustes de dispositivos de proteção e na ocorrência de distúrbios, como curtos-circuitos e ilhamento, por exemplo. | Prof. Dr. José Carlos de Melo Vieira Júnior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738707 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Quadros Machado ( Lattes +55 16 33 738277 |
12 | 180h |
Metaheuristics Applied to Electrical Energy Problems - SEL5770 | This course aims to provide basic concepts about optimization , classical optimization methods, heuristic and metaheuristics techniques applied to the electrical power systems problems. | Prof. Dr. Benvindo Rodrigues Pereira Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 738131 Prof. Dr. Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada ( Lattes +55 16 33 738706 |
12 | 180h |
Transient Modeling in Electric Power Systems - SEL5903 | Present methods of numerical modeling components of electric power systems under transient conditions and computational methods for determining the dynamics of electrical disturbances in the power system. Provide practical situations involving shortages and quality of electric power. | Prof. Dr. Rogério Andrade Flauzino ( Lattes +55 16 33 739335 |
12 | 180h |
Parameter Estimation and Modeling - SEL5773 | Introduce to the graduate student the theory of parameter estimation of mathematical models present in various studies of electrical engineering | Prof. Dr. Elmer Pablo Tito Cari ( Lattes +55 16 33 739337 |
12 | 180h |
Pedagogical Preparation: Teaching Strategies in Electrical Engineering - SEL5720 | The general objective of this course is to develop pedagogical skills establishing the background and facilitating the activities as a lecturer in higher education. Present the concepts and fundamentals of higher education, highlighting the importance of the political pedagogic project and competencies of a lecturer for teaching. - Present teaching planning models so that students can propose, prepare and develop strategies relevant to the subject of study. - Develop skills for planning, developing and evaluating educational strategies in higher education. - Improve the knowledge needed to identify, and justify the use of suitable educational technologies, including the use of virtual learning environments. - Contribute to the improvement of students&39; skills in the preparation of education materials, communication, and organization. | Prof. Dr. Augusto Matheus dos Santos Alonso ( Lattes +55 16 33 739354 Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Prof. Dr. Fabio Romano Lofrano Dotto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 Prof. Dr. José Roberto Boffino de Almeida Monteiro ( Lattes +55 16 33 739334 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Pedro de Oliveira Conceição Junior ( Lattes +55 16 33 739365 Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Andrade Ramos ( Lattes +55 16 33 739348 |
6 | 90h |
Digital Protection of Power Systems - SEL5855 | To provide students general knowledge regarding the protection of electrical systems, going conventional methods to the most sophisticated methods applying digital technology. The emphasis of the course is on the presentation of digital techniques for protection with regard to the hardware and software used for this purpose. Protection will also be presented the smart grid perspective, mainly addressing the use of smart techniques in improving it. Protection techniques will extended to transmission, distribution systems, as well as microgrids. | Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Prof. Dr. Mario Oleskovicz ( Lattes +55 16 33 738142 |
12 | 180h |
Power Quality - SEL5749 | The course aims to highlight the main fundamentals, terms and definitions about the Power Quality (PQ). As the sources of disturbances associated with the lack of PQ must be known and controlled, the course in question also aims to present techniques for the detection, classification and location of different disturbances and or phenomena that may occur and or manifest on the Electric Power System (EPS), presenting modern tools for this purpose. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the course presents to the graduate students, the development of research related to the outlined subjects, denoting the current interest of the Brazilian and worldwide electric sector in the topics covered. | Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Prof. Dr. Mario Oleskovicz ( Lattes +55 16 33 738142 |
12 | 180h |
Advanced Topics in Electric Power Systems - SEL5723 | Apresentar aos alunos conceitos, definições e linhas de pesquisas associadas a acionamentos elétricos, micro redes, modelagem de sistemas elétricos para simulação de transitórios, e a proteção digital de sistemas elétricos de potência. | Prof. Dr. Denis Vinicius Coury ( Lattes +55 16 33 738133 Prof. Dr. Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada ( Lattes +55 16 33 738706 Prof. Dr. Luís Fernando Costa Alberto ( Lattes +55 16 33 739322 Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Andrade Ramos ( Lattes +55 16 33 739348 |
12 | 180h |
Microwave Circuits and Devices - SEL5910 | This course introduces the fundamental principles of microwave electromagnetic theory for analysis and design of devices and circuits in high frequencies. | Prof. Dr. Vinicius Marrara Pepino ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 |
12 | 180h |
Semiconductor Optoelectronic devices - SEL5716 | The course main goal is to familiarize students with the fundamental properties of semiconductor materials as well as to discuss the several classes of advanced electronic and optoelectronic devices. | Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Murilo Araujo Romero ( Lattes +55 16 33 738140 |
12 | 180h |
Light Scattering By Small Spherical Particles And Applications - SEL5774 | Provide students of postgraduate courses with advanced notions in electromagnetic theory, especially in scattering and absorption of light by spherical particles, with applications in engineering and physics. | Prof. Dr. Leonardo André Ambrosio ( Lattes +55 16 33 738137 |
12 | 180h |
Fundamentals of Photonics - SEL5766 | To provide the fundamentals of the underlying light-matter interaction processes in photonic and optoelectronic devices. | Prof. Dr. Emiliano Rezende Martins ( Lattes +55 16 33 739330 |
12 | 180h |
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics for Engineers 1 - SEL5905 | To teach the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics for engineers. | Prof. Dr. Emiliano Rezende Martins ( Lattes +55 16 33 739330 |
12 | 180h |
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics for Engineers 2 - SEL5906 | To teach the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics for engineers. | Prof. Dr. Emiliano Rezende Martins ( Lattes +55 16 33 739330 |
12 | 180h |
Introduction to the Localized Waves Theory - SEL5768 | Provide the students of postgraduate courses with intermediate and advanced concepts in localized or non-diffractive wave theory. | Prof. Dr. Leonardo André Ambrosio ( Lattes +55 16 33 738137 |
12 | 180h |
Numerical methods in Optoelectronics - SEL5736 | A disciplina tem por objetivo a formação de estudantes de pós-graduação voltada à análise e projeto eficientes de dispositivos optoeletrônicos através do ensino de técnicas aprimoradas de modelagem matemática. O curso pretende introduzir várias técnicas de modelagem atualmente utilizadas na literatura destinadas à análise de estruturas eletromagnéticas, tais como: guias de ondas, acopladores, redes de difração, sensores, e moduladores. Serão também contempladas estruturas metamateriais plasmônicas (nano-plasmonics), o que inclui meios estratificados (multicamadas), metasuperfícies, e lentes plasmônicas. As técnicas a serem utilizadas para análise e modelagem das estruturas acima são baseadas no eletromagnetismo clássico, ou seja, serão baseadas na solução das equações de Maxwell sujeitas às condições de contorno apropriadas. Isso inclui métodos baseados em soluções analíticas e métodos numéricos (baseados em diferenças finitas e elementos finitos). | Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Murilo Araujo Romero ( Lattes +55 16 33 738140 |
12 | 180h |
Fourier optics - SEL5733 | This course introduces the fundamental principles of Fourier Optics and Theory of Diffraction for applications in integrated optics, analog optical computing, image processing, diffractive optics and holography. | Prof. Dr. Vinicius Marrara Pepino ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 |
12 | 180h |
Propagation for Mobile Communications and Wireless Networks - SEL5771 | The objectives include the presentation of the fundamentals of radiowaves propagation and antennas for mobile applications and for wireless networks. Additionally, it will be presented the modeling aspects of the wireless communication channel and the design principles of wireless communication systems. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 |
12 | 180h |
Optical Communication Systems - SEL5881 | To provide a comprehensive view of optical communication systems, including devices and subsystems which compose them; to address aspects of architecture of optical networks and the various trade-offs concerning the choice of devices and subsystems in terms of the overall system performance. | Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Murilo Araujo Romero ( Lattes +55 16 33 738140 |
12 | 180h |
Teoria da Informação e Códigos de Transmissão - SEL5732 | Os objetivos incluem a introdução das noções de entropia e de informação mútua, estudos de técnicas de codificação da fonte e do canal. Assim, pretende-se que o aluno compreenda a medida de informação de uma fonte de informação e a transmissão de informação através de um canal de comunicação. As técnicas de codificação da fonte servem para explicar a compressão de dados, enquanto as técnicas de codificação de canal servem para explicar os métodos de controle de erros em canais de comunicação. | Prof. Dr. João Paulo Pereira do Carmo ( Lattes +55 16 33 738138 Prof. Dr. Marco Henrique Terra ( Lattes +55 16 33 739341 Profª. Drª. Vilma Alves de Oliveira ( Lattes +55 16 33 739336 |
12 | 180h |
Guided Wave Theory - SEL5875 | This discipline aims to train postgraduate students in the efficient analysis and design of electromagnetic devices in both optical and microwave frequencies. Throughout the course, fundamentals of electromagnetic propagation in devices such as waveguides, couplers, diffraction gratings, sensors, and modulators are discussed. Metamaterial structures and metasurfaces are also addressed in optical (plasmonic structures) and microwave frequencies, including stratified media (multilayers), diffractive optics, and microwave (lenses and holograms). The techniques covered in the classroom are based on classical electromagnetism, namely the solution of Maxwells equations subject to appropriate boundary conditions. | Prof. Dr. Ben Hur Viana Borges ( Lattes +55 16 33 738132 Prof. Dr. Murilo Araujo Romero ( Lattes +55 16 33 738140 |
12 | 180h |