Asignaturas agrupadas por áreas de concentración:

Transportation Infra-Structure

Nombre de la Disciplina Metas: Profesor: Créditos: Carga de trabajo total:
Analysis of Stresses and Deformations in Pavements - STT5895 The objective of this course is to put students in contact with theoretical, empirical and computational methods for the calculation of stresses and deformations in flexible and rigid pavements. This is intended to familiarize students with with the calculation and interpretation of stresses and deformations in flexible and rigid pavements. The concepts presented in this discipline will serve as a basis for the practice of designing flexible and rigid pavements, which will be developed in complementary course offered in the semester following the offering of this course. Detailed program 1. Introduction to flexible and rigid pavements 2. Stresses and deformations in flexible pavements 2.1. Boussinesqs Theory 2.2. Concept of layered systems 2.3. One-tier systems 2.4. Two-tier systems 2.5. systems of three layers 2.7. Computer programs for the analysis of flexible pavements 3. Stresses in rigid pavements 3.1. Relative stiffness of the concrete slab 3.2. Subgrade reaction module 3.3. Stresses caused by gradient thermal and humidity gradient 3.4. Stresses caused by traffic 3.5. Stresses caused by friction between the plate and the base 3.6. Link bar design 3.7. Transfer Bar Design 3.8. Computer programs for analysis of rigid pavements.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Thermal Analysis and Durability of Geosynthetics - STT5911 Developing a critical understanding of the thermoanalytical behavior of geosynthetics and exploring methods to assess the durability of these materials. The main thermoanalytical tests commonly used to estimate the degradation of these products will be introduced. In the field of geosynthetic durability/degradation, evaluation methodologies will be presented, and key findings international literature will be disseminated. Damage mechanism when installing geosynthetics in construction projects will also be discussed.
Prof. Dr. Jefferson Lins da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
12 180h
Aplicação de Técnicas Geodésicas e Sensoriamento Remoto na Instrumentação de Estruturas - STT5899 Apresentar aos alunos do curso da Engenharia Civil os conceitos, critérios, especificações e procedimentos de monitoração de deslocamentos de estruturas com os equipamentos topográficos, geodésicos e equipamentos que se correlacionam com outras geotecnologias - o Sensoriamento Remoto -, como o Laser Scanner e o Radar Interferométrico.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Error Theory Applications in Transportation Engineering - STT5858 To study error treatment techniques and adjustment of observations to provide support to engineers in the systematization of measurement work, evaluation of results, and ion of the best measurement result. To introduce civil engineers to observation compensation techniques, focusing on topographic measurements and data collection observations in transportation engineering.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Caracterização de Materiais Viscoelásticos - STT5907 1. Apresentar os métodos de ensaio e os modelos físicos que são usados para caracterizar a resposta mecânica de materiais viscoelásticos lineares e não-lineares; 2. Ilustrar a aplicação dos princípios de correspondência na modelagem do comportamento de materiais viscoeláticos; apresentar tópicos básicos da modelagem do dano e da resposta não-linear de materiais viscoeláticos.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Geomatics Concepts for Transport Engineering - STT5910 To provide fundamental concepts of Geoprocessing applied to Transport Engineering, including techniques of Spatial Analysis and network modeling in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in search of revealing and describing spatiotemporal patterns that can con-tribute to decision support in Transport Engineering.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
8 120h
Drenagem de Vias Terrestres - STT5890 Atualizar profissionais da área de engenharia civil com conhecimentos detalhados dos fundamentos do projeto de drenagem de pavimentos rodoviários, aeroportuários e ferroviários. Fornecer ferramentas à adoção de medidas de proteção da via ante a ação das águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Apresentar os efeitos deletérios da água sobre o desempenho dos pavimentos. Apresentar os conceitos para a estimativa de áreas de contribuição, de vazões. Capacitar alunos para dimensionamento de diversos tipos de dispositivos de drenagem superficial, subterrânea e de pavimentos. Avaliar conseqüências da condução e controle do fluxo de água no meio ambiente e apresentar novas tecnologias em projetos de equipamentos de drenagem.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Furlan ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Analytical and Digital Photogrammetry - STT5856 Introduce the civil engineer to the current concepts of digital photogrammetry, emphasizing its applicability in territorial planning and geometric projects in general. Through the study of the mathematical concepts that govern analytical photogrammetry and digital photogrammetry, introduce the student to the automation processes that these techniques allow, for making maps, modeling terrain, establishing geographic databases and geographic planning in general.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
10 150h
Fundamental of Transportation Infrastructure - STT5861 To deepen the study of the concepts about the design and the use of materials in the infrastructure of means of transport. To introduce the systemic vision to the processes of decision making on the construction and maintenance of transport routes and their accessories. To emphasize the relationships between transportation infrastructure, transportation operation and planning. To discuss methods and processes for the geometric design of routes and terminals. It is a discipline with broad program to discuss the various aspects of the transport infrastructure.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Furlan ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Profª. Drª. Patrícia Hennig Osmari ( +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Geosynthetics Applied in Transport Infrastructure - STT5908 To develop a critical view on the application of geosynthetics in transport infrastructure, with respect to unpaved roads, flexible and rigid pavements and railways. To present the main functions of geosynthetics and to estimate their physical, mechanical, hydraulic and performance properties through laboratory tests. Make use of design criteria for the transport infrastructure with the inclusion of geosynthetics. To do numerical simulations with the aid of software available in the Geosynthetics Laboratory: GeoStudio 2016, RocScience and Midas GTS NX.
Prof. Dr. Jefferson Lins da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
10 150h
Introduction To The Measuring Techniques, For Practical Purposes - STT5872 transmit to the students knowledge of the area of Measurement, considering the following points: &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of Geodesy; &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of Classical Topography; &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of Photogrammetry; &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of Cartography; &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of the Global Positioning System - GNSS.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Field and Laboratory Tests - Soils - STT5873 Provide to the students the basic principles about laboratory tests used in characterization, classification, and mechanical and hydraulic properties of soils for use and construction control of roadworks. It is intended that students learn the procedures and perform the main tests used in roadworks, including those tests developed more recently and, in some cases, not standardized yet.
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Aggregates, asphalt binders and asphalt mixtures - STT5830 Provide to the students the basic knowledge about asphalt binders, aggregates, and asphalt mixtures. The main topics covered are:
- Characterization and classification of asphalt binders
- Characterization and classification of aggregates
- Asphalt binders / aggregates adhesiveness
- Asphalt mixtures design
- Determination of mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures
- Principles of asphalt binders and asphalt mixtures rheology.

Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Bibliographic Research for Geomatics - STT5904 Enable the student to carry out a literature review and develop their research project on masters degree. This must be achieved through the development of skills and techniques. of bibliographic research in online information bases on Transport Engineering, the organization of bibliographies, and the preparation and writing of research projects and other scientific documents. At the end of the course, the student should be able to formulate questions subject to literature review, given a topic within a line of research specific; define relevant keywords and search online bibliographic databases; define criteria for inclusion and exclusion of articles in the literature review; to analyze critically scientific articles and texts; learn to use management software and organization of bibliographic references; and structure and write your research project for Masters degree, focusing on literature review and research questions.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
Prof. Dr. Jose Reynaldo Anselmo Setti ( Lattes +55 16 33 739596
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
6 90h
Bibliographic Research for Project and Construction of Transport Roads - STT5906 Enable the student to carry out a literature review and develop their research project on masters degree. This must be achieved through the development of skills and techniques. of bibliographic research in online information bases on Transport Engineering, the organization of bibliographies, and the preparation and writing of research projects and other other scientific documents. At the end of the course, the student should be able to formulate questions subject to literature review, given a topic within a line of research specific; define relevant keywords and perform searches in online bibliographic databases. line; define criteria for inclusion and exclusion of articles in the literature review; to analyze critically scientific articles and texts; learn to use management software and organization of bibliographic references; and structure and write your research project for Masters degree, focusing on literature review and research questions.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Furlan ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Jefferson Lins da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Jose Reynaldo Anselmo Setti ( Lattes +55 16 33 739596
Profª. Drª. Patrícia Hennig Osmari ( +55 16 33 739601
6 90h
Pavement Design - STT5826 The objective of this course is to present to the students the variables that drive the design of pavements for highways, railways and runways, along with the current methods used to determine the layers of such pavements. Three methods will be presented regarding the design of highway flexible pavements: the DNIT procedure, which is based on the CBR method, the AASHTO 1986 method, and the mechanistic method. Concerning highway concrete pavements, the following methods will be presented: the PCA 1966 and 1984 methods for jointed concrete pavements, the methods to design whitetopping concrete pavements, the method to design pavements made of interlocked blocks, and the method to design continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP). For railways, the method traditionally used in Brazil will be presented, which determines the layer thicknesses as a function of both the allowable compressive strength obtained by means of the Heukelom´s equation and the pavements compressive stress computed by the Talbot’s equation. The runway flexible pavements will be designed according to the Federal Aviation Administration method using the FAARFIELD software. The intent is to make the students familiar with the procedures used to design the most common pavements structures, making use of the procedures currently used worldwide. In addition, the methods used in Brazil for reinforcement of flexible pavements will also be presented, along with the fundamentals of pavement structural analysis and back calculation. It is recommended, although not mandatory, that the students take the course STT 5895 – Analysis of stresses and strains in pavements, in advance, as a way to get the background for this course.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Asphalt Binders Rheology - STT5888 The objective of this course is to present to the students the concepts of rheology that can be used to characterize the physical behavior of asphalt binders. The specific objectives of this course can be summarized as follows: (a) present the theoretical fundamentals of the rheological properties, focusing on research studies and specification for asphalt binders; (b) approach the relationship between rheological properties and pavement performance; (c) present the machines and test procedures used to monitor those properties in the laboratory; (d) show the main limitations of the traditional rheological properties and the actual tendencies on the characterization of rheological properties; and (e) present the effects of polymer modification, aging and material reuse on the binder rheological properties.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Global Positioning System: Theory and Practice - STT5871 Transmit to students the basics of the Global Positioning Satellite System (GNSS), through the following points: Study of the basic concepts of Geometric Geodesy; Study of the theoretical and practical characteristics of positioning systems using artificial satellites; Study of the concepts and different observation techniques; Study and analysis of the processing of observed data; Adjustment of geodetic networks.
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Teoria das Compensações - Aplicações em Mensuração - STT5857 Estudar os casos convencionais e as novas técnicas de aplicações da teoria das compensações no âmbito da mensuração, dando-se ênfase às aplicações em redes topográficas, projetos geométricos de vias de transporte e monitoramento de estruturas. Familiarizar os alunos com as técnicas avançadas disponíveis para a automatização dos cálculos geodésicos e topométricos em geral, para o estudo de redes de triangulação topográfica, monitoramento de estruturas, modelização de terrenos e projetos geométricos.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
10 150h
Topics in Transportation Engineering I - STT5850 Introduce the following to the incoming masters degree students in transportation engineering: the research areas in which the advisors are involved; the Program’s regulations; the infrastructure of the transportation engineering department; and the stages of the masters program, including the qualifying exam and the viva. Students also have access to the research conducted in the Program and the ways it is disseminated to society, such as articles in technical, scientific journals, and conferences. Students have access to the scientific writing course offered by USP.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
2 30h

Planning and Operation of Transportation Systems

Nombre de la Disciplina Metas: Profesor: Créditos: Carga de trabajo total:
Analysis of Stresses and Deformations in Pavements - STT5895 The objective of this course is to put students in contact with theoretical, empirical and computational methods for the calculation of stresses and deformations in flexible and rigid pavements. This is intended to familiarize students with with the calculation and interpretation of stresses and deformations in flexible and rigid pavements. The concepts presented in this discipline will serve as a basis for the practice of designing flexible and rigid pavements, which will be developed in complementary course offered in the semester following the offering of this course. Detailed program 1. Introduction to flexible and rigid pavements 2. Stresses and deformations in flexible pavements 2.1. Boussinesqs Theory 2.2. Concept of layered systems 2.3. One-tier systems 2.4. Two-tier systems 2.5. systems of three layers 2.7. Computer programs for the analysis of flexible pavements 3. Stresses in rigid pavements 3.1. Relative stiffness of the concrete slab 3.2. Subgrade reaction module 3.3. Stresses caused by gradient thermal and humidity gradient 3.4. Stresses caused by traffic 3.5. Stresses caused by friction between the plate and the base 3.6. Link bar design 3.7. Transfer Bar Design 3.8. Computer programs for analysis of rigid pavements.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Thermal Analysis and Durability of Geosynthetics - STT5911 Developing a critical understanding of the thermoanalytical behavior of geosynthetics and exploring methods to assess the durability of these materials. The main thermoanalytical tests commonly used to estimate the degradation of these products will be introduced. In the field of geosynthetic durability/degradation, evaluation methodologies will be presented, and key findings international literature will be disseminated. Damage mechanism when installing geosynthetics in construction projects will also be discussed.
Prof. Dr. Jefferson Lins da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
12 180h
Aplicação de Técnicas Geodésicas e Sensoriamento Remoto na Instrumentação de Estruturas - STT5899 Apresentar aos alunos do curso da Engenharia Civil os conceitos, critérios, especificações e procedimentos de monitoração de deslocamentos de estruturas com os equipamentos topográficos, geodésicos e equipamentos que se correlacionam com outras geotecnologias - o Sensoriamento Remoto -, como o Laser Scanner e o Radar Interferométrico.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Error Theory Applications in Transportation Engineering - STT5858 To study error treatment techniques and adjustment of observations to provide support to engineers in the systematization of measurement work, evaluation of results, and ion of the best measurement result. To introduce civil engineers to observation compensation techniques, focusing on topographic measurements and data collection observations in transportation engineering.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Caracterização de Materiais Viscoelásticos - STT5907 1. Apresentar os métodos de ensaio e os modelos físicos que são usados para caracterizar a resposta mecânica de materiais viscoelásticos lineares e não-lineares; 2. Ilustrar a aplicação dos princípios de correspondência na modelagem do comportamento de materiais viscoeláticos; apresentar tópicos básicos da modelagem do dano e da resposta não-linear de materiais viscoeláticos.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Geomatics Concepts for Transport Engineering - STT5910 To provide fundamental concepts of Geoprocessing applied to Transport Engineering, including techniques of Spatial Analysis and network modeling in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in search of revealing and describing spatiotemporal patterns that can con-tribute to decision support in Transport Engineering.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
8 120h
Drenagem de Vias Terrestres - STT5890 Atualizar profissionais da área de engenharia civil com conhecimentos detalhados dos fundamentos do projeto de drenagem de pavimentos rodoviários, aeroportuários e ferroviários. Fornecer ferramentas à adoção de medidas de proteção da via ante a ação das águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Apresentar os efeitos deletérios da água sobre o desempenho dos pavimentos. Apresentar os conceitos para a estimativa de áreas de contribuição, de vazões. Capacitar alunos para dimensionamento de diversos tipos de dispositivos de drenagem superficial, subterrânea e de pavimentos. Avaliar conseqüências da condução e controle do fluxo de água no meio ambiente e apresentar novas tecnologias em projetos de equipamentos de drenagem.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Furlan ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Analytical and Digital Photogrammetry - STT5856 Introduce the civil engineer to the current concepts of digital photogrammetry, emphasizing its applicability in territorial planning and geometric projects in general. Through the study of the mathematical concepts that govern analytical photogrammetry and digital photogrammetry, introduce the student to the automation processes that these techniques allow, for making maps, modeling terrain, establishing geographic databases and geographic planning in general.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
10 150h
Fundamental of Transportation Infrastructure - STT5861 To deepen the study of the concepts about the design and the use of materials in the infrastructure of means of transport. To introduce the systemic vision to the processes of decision making on the construction and maintenance of transport routes and their accessories. To emphasize the relationships between transportation infrastructure, transportation operation and planning. To discuss methods and processes for the geometric design of routes and terminals. It is a discipline with broad program to discuss the various aspects of the transport infrastructure.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Furlan ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Profª. Drª. Patrícia Hennig Osmari ( +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Geosynthetics Applied in Transport Infrastructure - STT5908 To develop a critical view on the application of geosynthetics in transport infrastructure, with respect to unpaved roads, flexible and rigid pavements and railways. To present the main functions of geosynthetics and to estimate their physical, mechanical, hydraulic and performance properties through laboratory tests. Make use of design criteria for the transport infrastructure with the inclusion of geosynthetics. To do numerical simulations with the aid of software available in the Geosynthetics Laboratory: GeoStudio 2016, RocScience and Midas GTS NX.
Prof. Dr. Jefferson Lins da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
10 150h
Introduction To The Measuring Techniques, For Practical Purposes - STT5872 transmit to the students knowledge of the area of Measurement, considering the following points: &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of Geodesy; &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of Classical Topography; &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of Photogrammetry; &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of Cartography; &61623; Studies of the basic concepts of the Global Positioning System - GNSS.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Field and Laboratory Tests - Soils - STT5873 Provide to the students the basic principles about laboratory tests used in characterization, classification, and mechanical and hydraulic properties of soils for use and construction control of roadworks. It is intended that students learn the procedures and perform the main tests used in roadworks, including those tests developed more recently and, in some cases, not standardized yet.
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Aggregates, asphalt binders and asphalt mixtures - STT5830 Provide to the students the basic knowledge about asphalt binders, aggregates, and asphalt mixtures. The main topics covered are:
- Characterization and classification of asphalt binders
- Characterization and classification of aggregates
- Asphalt binders / aggregates adhesiveness
- Asphalt mixtures design
- Determination of mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures
- Principles of asphalt binders and asphalt mixtures rheology.

Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Bibliographic Research for Geomatics - STT5904 Enable the student to carry out a literature review and develop their research project on masters degree. This must be achieved through the development of skills and techniques. of bibliographic research in online information bases on Transport Engineering, the organization of bibliographies, and the preparation and writing of research projects and other scientific documents. At the end of the course, the student should be able to formulate questions subject to literature review, given a topic within a line of research specific; define relevant keywords and search online bibliographic databases; define criteria for inclusion and exclusion of articles in the literature review; to analyze critically scientific articles and texts; learn to use management software and organization of bibliographic references; and structure and write your research project for Masters degree, focusing on literature review and research questions.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
Prof. Dr. Jose Reynaldo Anselmo Setti ( Lattes +55 16 33 739596
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
6 90h
Bibliographic Research for Project and Construction of Transport Roads - STT5906 Enable the student to carry out a literature review and develop their research project on masters degree. This must be achieved through the development of skills and techniques. of bibliographic research in online information bases on Transport Engineering, the organization of bibliographies, and the preparation and writing of research projects and other other scientific documents. At the end of the course, the student should be able to formulate questions subject to literature review, given a topic within a line of research specific; define relevant keywords and perform searches in online bibliographic databases. line; define criteria for inclusion and exclusion of articles in the literature review; to analyze critically scientific articles and texts; learn to use management software and organization of bibliographic references; and structure and write your research project for Masters degree, focusing on literature review and research questions.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Furlan ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Jefferson Lins da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Jose Reynaldo Anselmo Setti ( Lattes +55 16 33 739596
Profª. Drª. Patrícia Hennig Osmari ( +55 16 33 739601
6 90h
Pavement Design - STT5826 The objective of this course is to present to the students the variables that drive the design of pavements for highways, railways and runways, along with the current methods used to determine the layers of such pavements. Three methods will be presented regarding the design of highway flexible pavements: the DNIT procedure, which is based on the CBR method, the AASHTO 1986 method, and the mechanistic method. Concerning highway concrete pavements, the following methods will be presented: the PCA 1966 and 1984 methods for jointed concrete pavements, the methods to design whitetopping concrete pavements, the method to design pavements made of interlocked blocks, and the method to design continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP). For railways, the method traditionally used in Brazil will be presented, which determines the layer thicknesses as a function of both the allowable compressive strength obtained by means of the Heukelom´s equation and the pavements compressive stress computed by the Talbot’s equation. The runway flexible pavements will be designed according to the Federal Aviation Administration method using the FAARFIELD software. The intent is to make the students familiar with the procedures used to design the most common pavements structures, making use of the procedures currently used worldwide. In addition, the methods used in Brazil for reinforcement of flexible pavements will also be presented, along with the fundamentals of pavement structural analysis and back calculation. It is recommended, although not mandatory, that the students take the course STT 5895 – Analysis of stresses and strains in pavements, in advance, as a way to get the background for this course.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Asphalt Binders Rheology - STT5888 The objective of this course is to present to the students the concepts of rheology that can be used to characterize the physical behavior of asphalt binders. The specific objectives of this course can be summarized as follows: (a) present the theoretical fundamentals of the rheological properties, focusing on research studies and specification for asphalt binders; (b) approach the relationship between rheological properties and pavement performance; (c) present the machines and test procedures used to monitor those properties in the laboratory; (d) show the main limitations of the traditional rheological properties and the actual tendencies on the characterization of rheological properties; and (e) present the effects of polymer modification, aging and material reuse on the binder rheological properties.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Global Positioning System: Theory and Practice - STT5871 Transmit to students the basics of the Global Positioning Satellite System (GNSS), through the following points: Study of the basic concepts of Geometric Geodesy; Study of the theoretical and practical characteristics of positioning systems using artificial satellites; Study of the concepts and different observation techniques; Study and analysis of the processing of observed data; Adjustment of geodetic networks.
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Teoria das Compensações - Aplicações em Mensuração - STT5857 Estudar os casos convencionais e as novas técnicas de aplicações da teoria das compensações no âmbito da mensuração, dando-se ênfase às aplicações em redes topográficas, projetos geométricos de vias de transporte e monitoramento de estruturas. Familiarizar os alunos com as técnicas avançadas disponíveis para a automatização dos cálculos geodésicos e topométricos em geral, para o estudo de redes de triangulação topográfica, monitoramento de estruturas, modelização de terrenos e projetos geométricos.
Prof. Dr. Irineu da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739610
10 150h
Topics in Transportation Engineering I - STT5850 Introduce the following to the incoming masters degree students in transportation engineering: the research areas in which the advisors are involved; the Program’s regulations; the infrastructure of the transportation engineering department; and the stages of the masters program, including the qualifying exam and the viva. Students also have access to the research conducted in the Program and the ways it is disseminated to society, such as articles in technical, scientific journals, and conferences. Students have access to the scientific writing course offered by USP.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Glauco Tulio Pessa Fabbri ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
2 30h
Multivariate Data Analysis Applied to Transportation Engineering - STT5900 To provide a set of statistical tool that allow analyzing transportation engineering issues with a large number of variables; To show different techniques applications in diverse scientific publications; To motivate students to treat their different databases (case studies) with multiple variables; To present an open source statistical package for the application of the regarded techniques;
Prof. Dr. André Luiz Barbosa Nunes da Cunha ( Lattes +55 16 33 739597
Profª. Drª. Cira Souza Pitombo ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
12 180h
Avaliação de Projetos de Transportes - STT5824 Transmitir aos alunos os principais conceitos e ferramentas relativos à Avaliação de Projetos em geral, para que adquiram uma noção sobre a importância da avaliação de projetos para o aumento do bem estar da sociedade; realizar aplicação de ferramentas; incentivar a reflexão sobre a maneira de avaliar projetos, sobretudo quando a avaliação envolve vários critérios. Finalmente, fazer com que os alunos associem os projetos de engenharia de transportes a projetos sociais e sejam capazes de identificar os impactos sociais dos mesmos.
Profª. Drª. Cira Souza Pitombo ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Jose Reynaldo Anselmo Setti ( Lattes +55 16 33 739596
10 150h
Instructional Strategies - STT5893 General: Contribute to postgraduate education so that students can acquire or develop specific skills in the field of teaching methodology, providing them with knowledge of planning, application, and control techniques of instructional strategies suitable for the field of engineering. Specific: students should demonstrate the ability to plan, , and organize the material to be used; adjust the content and amount of information, timing and available resources to the target audience; use the most suitable strategy (procedure, technique, and resources) for the context; adopt relevant and consistently organized materials; use correct and precise vocabulary; demonstrate efficiency in oral and written communication. As the main objective of the course in the Teaching Improvement Program is to enhance postgraduate education for undergraduate teaching, the content of this course addresses this goal by providing teacher training to master’s and doctorate students.
Prof. Dr. Jose Reynaldo Anselmo Setti ( Lattes +55 16 33 739596
2 30h
Laboratory of data analysis with free software R - STT5909 To enable the student to know, to program and to make preliminary statistical analyzes in an open program with a wide variety of functions and libraries besides the possibility of creating new ones, according to needs of other disciplines and research. The open program presents a wide range of resources in the areas of statistics and mathematics that can serve as an aid to solve various problems in the most diverse areas of knowledge, citing the different areas of engineering as a particular example and that can serve as an option Alternative to using paid applications such as IBM SPSS, SAS, MINITAB, STATISTICA and others.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. André Luiz Barbosa Nunes da Cunha ( Lattes +55 16 33 739597
Profª. Drª. Cira Souza Pitombo ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
8 120h
Logistics and Supply Chain Management - STT5912 Provide students with classic concepts and the state of the art on logistics, supply chain management (SCM) and its relationships (with suppliers and customers), physical distribution and transportation, as well as the importance of sustainability as transversal and interdisciplinary aspects in these themes.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
12 180h
Geographic information Systems and Transportation Engineering - STT5868 Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able 1) describe and provide examples of the basic characteristics of Geographic Information Systems - GIS; 2) analyze and develop specific GIS applications for the field of Transportation Engineering.
Prof. Dr. Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
10 150h
Bibliographic Research for Planning and Operation of Transport Systems - STT5905 Enable the student to carry out a literature review and develop their research project on masters degree. This must be achieved through the development of skills and techniques. Of bibliographic research in online information bases on Transport Engineering, the organization of bibliographies, and the preparation and writing of research projects and other scientific documents. At the end of the course, the student should be able to formulate questions subject to literature review, given a topic within a line of research specific; define relevant keywords and search online bibliographic databases; define criteria for inclusion and exclusion of articles in the literature review; to analyze critically scientific articles and texts; learn to use management software and organization of bibliographic references; and structure and write your research project for Masters degree, focusing on literature review and research questions.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. André Luiz Barbosa Nunes da Cunha ( Lattes +55 16 33 739597
Prof. Dr. Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Profª. Drª. Cira Souza Pitombo ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Jose Reynaldo Anselmo Setti ( Lattes +55 16 33 739596
6 90h
Planejamento Urbano e Transportes - STT5864 Transmitir aos alunos os conceitos básicos do processo de planejamento das cidades e a sua relação com os transportes urbanos, através dos seguintes pontos:
- Estudo das características dos aglomerados urbanos no Brasil e em outros países, bem como sua evolução histórica;
- Estudo das características da infraestrutura urbana e seus custos;
- Estudo dos conceitos e das diferentes etapas do processo de planejamento;
- Estudo das técnicas mais utilizadas no processo de planejamento;
- Estudo do processo de planejamento aplicado às cidades;
- Estudo dos instrumentos utilizados na implantação de um processo de planejamento urbano;
- Estudos das relações entre o planejamento das cidades e o planejamento de transportes urbanos.

Prof. Dr. Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
10 150h
Road Safety - STT5902 Address the topic of Road Safety, showing the seriousness of the problem within global and national and presenting the foundations that should guide actions aimed at reducing traffic accidents and deaths.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Prof. Dr. Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
12 180h
Technology of Transport - STT5859 Provide students with a knowledge base on the basic concepts and aspects technological aspects of Transport engineering through the following points:
- Study the characteristics of the components of transport systems, technologies transport routes and transport routes.
- Study the principles of vehicle locomotion mechanics and their influence on the transport systems design.
- Study the principles associated with the study of vehicle flow, its control, and the transport routes.
- Study the principles associated with the determination of unit transport costs of passengers and goods.
- Study the role of transport demand forecasting for adequate planning. ment of transport systems.

Prof. Dr. André Luiz Barbosa Nunes da Cunha ( Lattes +55 16 33 739597
Prof. Dr. Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Profª. Drª. Cira Souza Pitombo ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Jose Reynaldo Anselmo Setti ( Lattes +55 16 33 739596
12 180h
Advanced Topics in Traffic Engineering - STT5874 Provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge on road system component modelling and analysis focusing on:
- Analytical tools used to analyze the behavior, capacity and level of service in traffic stre- ams;
- Fundamentals of modelling road traffic systems, based on state of the art;
- Techniques for simulating road networks and interpreting the results of these simulations; and
- Techniques for automatic data collection of traffic streams.

Prof. Dr. André Luiz Barbosa Nunes da Cunha ( Lattes +55 16 33 739597
Profª. Drª. Cira Souza Pitombo ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. Jose Reynaldo Anselmo Setti ( Lattes +55 16 33 739596
10 150h
Visualization Topics Applied to Transport Engineering - STT5896 Introduce students to the concepts of 3D visualization, virtual reality and driving simulation applied to the design of Engineering Projects, notably to the Geometrical Design of Overland Transportation and Road Safety. The course also involves the presentation of techniques for obtaining 3D data - conventional topography, GPS, Lidar technology, Vants. The threedimensional visualization of the project, instead of the exclusive use of two-dimensional drawings - plans and elevations - allows for a better identification of the work interventions in its surrounding region, analysis of visual and environmental impacts, and consequently of reducing its development and implementation costs. The visualization associated with computer-driving through allows the identification of coordination flaws in vertical and horizontal alignments, which are responsible for stretches of the road with a high occurrence of accidents and the need for repair after the completion of the work.
Profª. Drª. Ana Paula Camargo Larocca ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
12 180h
Special Topics in Transport Engineering (Statistics Applied to Transport Engineering) - STT5898 Bringing the teaching of Statistics closer to practical problems in the field of Transport Engineering. Present concepts and techniques ed in a research process. Understand the importance of using statistics as a tool to support analysis in any area of activity. Understand the tools used for analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. Analyze elements of descriptive statistics and exploratory data analysis. Associate the use of probabilistic models and continuous distributions in several researches in the area. Observe the importance of certain tests and models to corroborate research hypotheses. Present a statistical package for applying techniques studied in the classroom to different databases.
Prof. Dr. Adalberto Leandro Faxina ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
Prof. Dr. André Luiz Barbosa Nunes da Cunha ( Lattes +55 16 33 739597
Profª. Drª. Cira Souza Pitombo ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h
Urban Public Transport - STT5836 Introduction. History of urban transport and the evolution of cities. Urban transport modes. Collective transport vs individual transport. Quality in urban public transport. Efficiency in urban public transport. Integration into urban public transport. Lines and networks. Operation planning and scheduling. Operation control. Surveys and surveys. Stopping points and stations (terminals). Road system: geometry and prioritization. Ticket payment and access control. Information to Users. Costs and tariffs. Evaluation of urban public transport projects and systems. Brazilian legislation. Planning and management. Operating companies. Public transport and urbanism.
Prof. Dr. Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva ( Lattes +55 16 33 739200
Profª. Drª. Cira Souza Pitombo ( Lattes +55 16 33 739601
10 150h