Palestra: Additive Manufacturing and interactions with subtractive post-processing
13 de dezembro de 2022
Atualizado: 30 de março de 2023

O Dr. Ing. Benjamin Kirsch, Chief Engineer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Production Systems, profere palestra nesta quarta-feira, dia 14,  às 11 horas, sobre o tema Additive Manufacturing and interactions with subtractive post-processing.

O evento será realizado no NUMA - Anfiteatro Mori Seiki do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção (SEP). 

Since October 2008 research assistant at the FBK
December 2012 to October 2014 team leader in the field of manufacturing technology
Since November 2014 chief engineer production engineering

Leia mais sobre o palestrante. 


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