Palestra: "Optics and plasmonics of graphene and other 2D materials"
11 de novembro de 2019

eesc palestra sel alexey

A apresentação será realizada pelo professor do Departamento de Física e Astronomia da Texas A&M University, Alexey Belyanin, a convite do professor do SEL, Ben-Hur Viana Borges.

Com duração estimada de 60 minutos, a palestra será ministrada em língua inglesa, aberta ao público e não há necessidade de inscrição para participar.

Saiba mais no resumo a seguir.

Recently there has been a surge of interest in 2D materials with properties drastically different from the same materials in the bulk form. Notable examples include graphene, surface states in topological insulators, and monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). In this talk we discuss some of the exciting and unique optical properties of these 2D electron systems. We show that massless Dirac electrons in graphene give rise to an extremely strong mid/far-infrared optical nonlinearity, perhaps the highest among known materials. Giant optical nonlinearity enables efficient generation of terahertz radiation, excitation of coherent surface plasmons, and tip-enhanced nonlinear spectroscopy utilizing surface plasmons which provides nanometer spatial resolution and femtosecond time resolution. Quantum optics of graphene and TMD monolayers promises efficient generation of polarization-entangled light, entangled plasmon-polaritons, and spin/valley-entangled exciton states. We will also discuss feasibility of lasers and other optoelectronic devices based on these fascinating materials.


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Por Assessoria de Comunicação da EESC Imagem: Adaptação de Texas A&M University

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