Online Course on Change Management in the 2nd Semester for undergraduate and graduate students
Disciplina integrada entre graduação e pós sobre Gestão da Mudança será oferecida on-line e em inglês neste segundo semestre. Confira os prazos de inscrição.
02/07/2021|Atualizado: 16/07/2021
Da Redação | SVCOM
02/07/2021|Atualizado: 16/07/2021 Da Redação | SVCOM

semester course (online and in English) for undergraduate and graduate students: August 13th to November 26th, 2021 (Fridays morning - Brazilian time - BRT = GMT - 03:00).
It will run every Friday morning in the regular Brazilian time totalizing 15 classes. The students will engage themselves in both synchronous and asynchronous activities that include pre-class readings and tasks, discussions and team based learning interactions.

About the Course:
The course is an initiative of the Department of Production Engineering at the São Carlos School of Engineering (EESC), University of São Paulo (USP).

Se the goal, content and method through the following links:
» Official information for graduate students
» Official information for undergraduate students
» See the outcomes 2020's edition
» See also students' perception after the 2020's course

Are you interested in this opportunity?
So, we would like to invite you to take part. In this case, fill out the form available at:
» For graduate students - available only July 1st to July 18th. The form is in Portuguese, but you can use the automatic translator in Google to read the questions. Please fill it out in English.
» For undergraduate students - available only July 1st to July 18th.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
See more 

About the EESC-USP
The São Carlos School of Engineering (EESC) at the University of São Paulo (USP) is located in São Carlos, São Paulo. São Carlos is a city with 250 thousand inhabitants and it is located 150 miles away São Paulo. In São Carlos, you will find two of the most important Brazilian public universities: the University of São Paulo and the Federal University of São Carlos. The city is a national center of technology and science and there is one doctor for every 135 inhabitants, the highest rate among other cities in the whole Latin America.

The São Carlos Campus at USP is technologically-oriented including, besides the Engineering School, the institutes of Architecture, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computing Sciences. The EESC has about 3,000 undergraduate and more than 1,000 graduate enrolled students. 200 professors and 300 staff members take care of these students in 10 undergraduate courses and 11 graduate programs (see).

Every year, international rankings have normally classified the University of São Paulo as the first or the second best university in Latin America. This is an outcome of USP's main purpose: to contribute to society. To do this, we focus on three main pillars: research, teaching and outreach activities. Internationalization is also one of our main strategic goals. This course is an example of such a strategy (see).

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