Palestra "Progressive Collapse of structures and ways to reduce the effects of extreme loads on structures"
03 de outubro de 2017
Atualizado: 04 de outubro de 2017

eesc palestra prof stefan2

A atividade será ministrada pelo professor da University of Surrey, Stefan Szyniszewski, em língua inglesa, a convite do professor do SET, André Teófilo Beck.


O encontro ocorrerá no Auditório do SET, às 14 horas, e é direcionado a alunos de graduação e pós-graduação interessados na temática. Não é necessário realizar inscrição para participar.



Firstly, the talk will introduce LS-DYNA models of steel and concrete structures developed for progressive collapse modeling under blast and earthquake loading. These models can provide insight into the behavior of archetypical buildings but involve tedious modeling. Potential approaches for linking such models with BIM databases and easing the effort will be discussed. The second part will focus on engineering the structures to reduce the effects of extreme loading through the use of novel structural systems and materials. Stefan will introduce conceptual designs of shear walls made of metallic foam to increase energy dissipation as well as new 3DWovem skins for the reduction of wind loads. The latter part of the talk will aim at simulating a discussion about how to best incorporate novel materials into structural systems.


About professor Szyniszewski

Stefan is a lecturer/assistant professor at the University of Surrey, where his research is focused on the design of architected materials and structures with improved dynamic and fluidic performance. Stefan’s effort is concentrated on understanding the physics through the use of high-resolution models and experiments. Stefan received his education from the Johns Hopkins University and the University of Florida as well as in Europe from Warsaw University of Technology (BS, MS) and RWTH-Aachen in Germany (MS). Stefan designed safety-related systems in nuclear power plants at Bechtel Power Corporation in the United States and conducted full-scale, structural impact experiments in Kanazawa, Japan. Stefan's background is in the simulations of extreme loads on metallic structures and cellular, architected materials.


Professor André Teófilo BeckDepartamento de Engenharia de Estruturas da EESC Tel.: (16) 3373-9460 E-mail:


Por Assessoria de Comunicação da EESC Imagem: Adaptação de University of Surrey

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