Palestra: Hybrid manufacturing: the cutting edge for product innovation
O evento começa às 9 horas desta quinta-feira, dia 12.
12/01/2023|Atualizado: 30/03/2023
Da Redação | SVCOM
12/01/2023|Atualizado: 30/03/2023 Da Redação | SVCOM

Data: 12/01/2023
Horário: 9 horas
Local: Anfiteatro Mori Seiki, que fica no prédio do NUMA do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da EESC-USP (Área 1).

Wayne NP Hung, PhD
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

Three-dimensional (3D) printing of engineering materials has generated significant interest in industry and academia. It promises design freedom, streamlining of process plan, remote digital manufacturing, fast market response, and cost saving. Although most engineering materials can be additively manufactured, the inherent volumetric and surface defects of 3D-printed samples hinder a full-scale industrial application. This presentation first summarizes current 3D printing techniques and suitable post-processing technologies to enhance dimensional, form, surface, and reliability of 3D printed engineering materials. The second part of this meeting proposes an international collaboration program among universities in Belgium, Brazil, and USA to explore and characterize hybrid manufactured materials for demanding engineering applications.

Dr. Wayne NP Hung is a professor and faculty fellow with joint appointment of Engineering Technologies & Industrial Distribution and Mechanical Engineering departments at Texas A&M University in USA. Trained in mechanical engineering, he obtained his BS, MS honor degrees University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and his PhD degree University of California in Berkeley. Dr. Hung had worked in industry for 13 years in USA and Singapore prior to joining the academia. He actively has industrial supported research projects in the USA and international collaborations with institutions in Brazil, Belgium, Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, and Vietnam. He teaches and researches in advanced materials and novel manufacturing, has 2 patents (1 is pending), and has published more than 200 articles and 6 book chapters.


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